New Study/Treatment (no shots)
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Hi. Haven't been here for a while and butted heads with a few of ya'll last time I posted. Anyway...thought I might share what is going on with my new study/treatment plan AS i BELIEVE IT MIGHT SHOW SOME HOPE FOR THE "HARD CASES" LIKE MYSELF as will as naive cases (study has already been done wi...
therapie with drugs from abbvie / Hb reduction
Hi I know the question sounds very strange, but I am a little bit anxious that I don't respond to Ribavarin. My Hb level reduces only from 14.4 to 13.9 during the 3 months sapphire study. But there is a proportion between Hb-Reduction and SVR. Hi participants of sapphire, turquoise and pearl , do you k...
Week 20 and counting the DAYS !
Well I have four more weeks to go so I was told to expect to fast the final day so they can give me an ultrasound after the treatment is done. The ribavirin is still a chore at times and while taking some Ativan to relieve the stress I must have had one to many and passes out and smacked my head. Ended up with a ve...
Was on trial in 2009 Hep C cured having problems with meds being processed now.
Has anyone else had this problem? I was taking an anti-depressant and I had a blood test that showed that it was at a toxic level. Two weeks after I stopped taking it.....I was still showing it in my system. I feel like I am not processing any drug properly....just wondering if anyone has had problems a...
Anyone know of currently recruiting trials...
I am overwhelmed with all the info about participating in a clinical trial. I am genotype 1a and am so tired of all the symptoms. i'd love to get into a trial soon with the new drugs without interferon. Anyone know of one upcoming in the U.S? Thanks in advance! Marcy
Abbvie clinical Trial
Hi, I am from Brisbane Australia. I gave my blood for screening test last Thursday (22nd Aug) for Clinical Trial. I just want to know how long it will take for the report to come for initial screening test. Clinic informed me that report will come from Singapore as a part of trial. My GT 1a and liver f...
Is my journey starting ?????
Called this afternoon by abt sapphire trial coordinator. "hey man he said, next bus leaves next morning 8.30 Cet, destination Hcv UNDETECTION station. Uhm ..... What's the ticket price I asked.... well.... a few Cl of blood.... eCG... And a few pills... Those are daily....for at least 3 month...
Riba dosing starting to mess with me.
I have just gone through the worst week yet. Both work and sports are stressful and I have had to take Ativan and the occasional sleeping pill to combat the side effects of the 1200 mg of this stuff I take. I see guys 240-250 taking that amount but I am only 180 lbs and this stuff is wearing on me really bad now...
Here is something that I also was looking into prior to being accepted in to the Turquoise II Trial. Mallani could you read this one time and give me your thoughts. Thx Terry http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/BHT.html -- Edited by Terry on Saturday 3rd of August 2013 03:12:35 AM
Sapphire Trial completed!
I finished the trial June 3. They said they would not release results during tx until all participants had finished this arm of the trial. My last day of tx and 2 weeks post are undetectable. They said I would have to have been UD by month 1 or they would have pulled me from the trial. Dry skin and slight fati...
Abbott Labs TURQUOISE-II Open label clinical trial
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I have just completed my first week in the study. Is there any other people in any other Abbott clinical trial? Matt
Matt Chris
Responce to my inquire on any trial issues
" There was an interim analysis done by Abbott that looked at all patients in this study across the globe. The conclusion was that most patients were responding very well and there were no changes to be made to the overall regimen and design of the study. Very unfortunate for your friend, but i...
Confusing Information
I am not sure if this is the place I should put this but because I am in fact on a clinical trial I will start here. While I was looking around a few different sites on the forum I was amazed at the amount of participants making comments on what we should and should not take. I have been reading that coffee was g...
Week 12 results and some questions
Well I just completed week 16 but these results will be from week 12. I will just post the highs or lows to make it easy. Total bili 1.4 should be below 1.2 (H) Cholest 148 min should be 170 (L) HGB 11.5 min should be 12.7 (L) HCT 36min should be 39 (L) RBC 3.6 min should be 4.5 (L) WBC 2.63 min should be 3...
Abbvie pearl trial
Is anyone doing the Pearl trial conducted by Abbvie in Plymouth uk, I have nearly completed 12weeks with the placebo potential only applicable to the ribavirin arm. I have felt very tired and weak at times, however that is the worst of the side effects, so manageable. I went und after 2weeks, so hopin...
abbott sapphire trial/ question about riba pills
I just came across this site and am very thankful I just found it. Have been reading up on all the study participants and have found it very helpful. I am almost 2 weeks into my abbott sapphire trial and have absolutely no side effects so am pretty sure I am on the placebo arm. I'm quite disappointed eve...
Genotype 1a and 1b
Hi every body, I am wondering why Geno 1a is the most commun in the States ? And does any body know why 66% of French people being HCV + from blood transfusion are Geno1b ? is it the same else where ? Thanks for the infos. I 'm trying to know who is that guest who has spent most of my life with me, that Geno 1b. -- Ed...
Extended Results For Sofosbuvir/GS-5885 With or Without Ribavirin Fixed-Dose Combination
I am a 57 year old female, gt 1A, little fibrosis or imflammation, viral count 1 million, contacted HepC from blood transfusion in car accident in 1977. I failed treatment with interferon and ribavirin in 1999 so I am a null responder. I am excited about Gilead's sofosbuvir/GS-5885 with or without ri...
Trials for triple therapy non-responders
Hey everyone! Been searching for a trial that includes non responders to triple htherapy and not having any luck. Willing to go anywhere. Is there such a trial or will there be?
Alaska Fred
Sapphire drug trial
Hi everyone, just finished the 12week trial today. Found out I was on the real meds not the placebo. now the waiting game to see if the results are good. Should be good as I understand that they are getting 97.5 percent pass with the Abott meds. For anyone starting this treatment, it would have to hav...
The journey begins
I am waiting for the final ok to be part of a study through BAMC Ft. Sam Houston. I am so new to everything and still learning so much about this illness. I was diagnosed last Christmas, had a biopsy done in February and the final round of blood tests should be in in the next few days to verify that I am acc...
Undetected Question
Hi folks. Finishing up my 12 week gilead trial on Tuesday. I have been undetected since week 4. 3 prior attempt/fails with interferon/riba and the last trip tx with Vict. My question. Is there a difference between going UND on the new oral drugs I am on vs the current FDA approved Trip Tx that include int...
Just started my Abbott Clinical trial 1/11/13
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Well long time coming and glad it finally came for me . I had my blood&urine work done this morning and my first dose this monring. I am taking ABT-450/ABT-267& abt-67 and the ribavirin. Or I am taking the placebo and the ribavirin. I still have my nightly dose to take...but so far so good. I al...
Week Ten results
I was in for my standard blood test and checkup and have still been declared undetected so I hope it stays that way. The ALT and AST are now normal and my Platelet count that started at 108 has now made it to 149. I have been so busy with work and baseball that I haven't had time to post. That Ribavirin sure can...
4 weeks into sof/led 12 week treatment---just got first week lab results
Just got back from my fourth week blood draw, and got my first week VL results, which was 47. I had a baseline VL of 4 million. Clinical research asst said my two week labs should be coming in tomorrow or so, and she would call me. I'm genotype 1A. Feeling very hopeful!!!!
Info: New name... `Clinical Trial Participants`
Hi everyone,With so many of our members now taking part in clinical trials, we think it makes sense to keep this section of the forum for trial participants from now on. We`ve changed the name to `Clinical Trial Participants` and anyone who is on a trial, or about to start one, is welcome to start a new t...
Cinnamon Girl
week four with ledipasvir and sofosbuvir ion 3
Tomorrow I'm driving down to SF for my four week draw. Still haven't gotten any labs back, but will undoubtedly get some tomorrow. Eager to hear and let everyone know what it is. RH and Li'l eddie, eager to hear what happens with you in the course of all this, as the three of us are on the 12 week sof/led...
week four with ledipasvir and sofosbuvir ion 3
Hi all, This is week four for me. The only symptoms I feel is something that feels like mild heart palpitations in the last week. Had a few mild headaches the first week, but those discontinued. Maybe this is unrelated to the treatment. I haven't gotten any lab results back yet. The research ass...
ION-3 Summer 2013
The journey begins .... Got the call on Friday that I've been accepted in to this study. Start date will be June 13th! My amazing clinical nurse was able to work it so I didn't have to cancel my vacation. So 2 days after we get back I check in to begin treatment. At that time I'll find out which arm I'll be on...
Sofosbuvir/ledispavir--Single dose
I just took my first pill, and my trial period will be for 12 weeks.