Abbotts Sapphire II clinical trial
Well Hi there, Im scott and I am glad to have found this site and the thread here, I am Geno 1a, null-responder was diagnosed back in 2008 and have probably been living with the virus for about 15-20 years. I had tried the SOC and at 6 weeks didnt achieve the log drop necessary to continue on, just as well as...
clinical trial participant
Hi, I'm MF, and I just started on the Gilead clinical trial in San Francisco. I'm in the ION 3 trial. Would love to communicate with other people on trials! I just joined this discussion forum yesterday.
Started Sapphire Phase III Today
Day 1 of Sapphire phase III trial, had my first dose of 'meds'. After bloodwork, ECG, weight and Questionaires, the nurse explained the dosage routine and side effects (which i was mostly aware of). I felt at ease there, they're a friendly lot and my nurse was great in answering any questions i had. Bec...
Week two blood test
Well things seem to be working better then expected because I was UND after two weeks ! So I still have 21 weeks to go and a lot of liver to try and rebuild so that should be enough to get focussed and see how far I can go. I was told that some that had participated had an average of 90 -95 platelets count and I h...
Week One blood test results
Well Friday I got my first results from the first week on the Abbott trial and I started with a viral load of 4 Million and as of friday I was down to 480. So took the time to play a round of golf and a Baseball game in the same day. A few small headaches but the rest has been fine and starting to feel stronger....
Starting a new trial maybe??
I am going in for my liver biopsy soon and if everything works out, I get to start a new trial in April. I am a non-responder for the older Peg/Riba treatment and I have 1a. The doctor at the clinical trial center said that this new treatment has a 90+ percent cure rate. It is an oral treatment that takes 3 mon...
The Guy
Day two of the clinical trial for the phase III Abbott study
I had looked for this particular trial because of my fear for the inteferon injections and I guess as they say timing is everything and I managed to get in. I am a stage 4 cirrhosis at 57 years old so I am hoping I can clear this nasty virus that I think I have had for about 30 years. I am lucky that I have played s...
QUAD Treatment
1 2
Anyone here on the Hallmark QUAD phase 3 clinical trial? It is for 24 weeks and comprised of 4 drugs: Ribavirin, PegInterferon, Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir. I am on week 3 and looking for people on the same same treatment to share results, side effects and other treatment related experiences. Pleas...
Any 40 week SVR news on Abbott Aviator, the Ph2 of Abbott SAPPHIRE??
i'm trying to find out how successful SVR is with people who completed the Ph2 version of Sapphire? They s/b at week 40.
Bob C
Phase III Abbott Trial Participant-Sapphire I
I started my trial Wednesday 02/13/13. During the screening process, there was almost a 4 week wait before the treatment began and I was obsessed with finding information about Phase II and getting information about folks who were currently in the same trial as myself. I just came upon this s...
No April Fools message Here !
One word I heard this morning at 11:52 April 1 moved me to Tears of Joy " Undetected " I just received a phone call from my Abbott Truquoise II Trial Study Nurse contact with my week 5-6 Lab results when she said those coveted words. I was traveling with my wife of 33 years and we stopped at on...
Matt Chris
Hi folks, started a clinical trial about 8 weeks ago
Its been quite an a adventure, this Hepatitis C business. I'm 68, retired, and found out just about a year ago that I'd been nursing a case of Hep C for the last 43 or so years. Its nice to read about how other people are dealing with this....thanks!
7977 and its creator
Found a trial, next steps?
I found a trial in a city close to me. I have emailed the contact to the trial and my nurse. No response from anyone yet. Any other suggestions? I would like to get some answers and I hope I am taking the right steps, but if anyone can let me know if there is more I can do I would appreciate it. Here is the trial:...
Anti-replicating drug study cures hep C with almost no side-effects
I will hopefully be starting this study in April after my liver biopsy. I did a Riba/Interferon study with this same site about 5 years ago and failed. This time, instead of a 48 week study, it will be a 3 month study where I only take pills. The pills stop the virus from replicating and there is a greater th...
The Guy
Real Daclatasvir or Placebo?
Just wondering if there is any way of determining whether I have been given actual daclatasvir, or a placebo. The pills or 5 sided, pastel green in color, with NO imprint. I suppose I should be trying to convince myself that they are real regardless haha, but I can't help my criosity...
Gilead's newest trial
Just received an email from my doctor asking for my genotype...he is considering me for Gilead's new trail. He was not clear on exactly which one...when I view Gilead's website there are currently 4 in phase II and 2 in phase I. Does anyone have any idea which trial this might be? Anyone else being ask...
7977 results
On October 5th I finished up a 12 week clinical trial with Pegasys, Ribavirin, and GS 7977 from Gilead. Since they won't release the results to us until all the participants are done, I had the VA run new viral load tests for me. Took 2 weeks to get the results back, but both test came back "target u...