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Post Info TOPIC: Hello from Brooklyn

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RE: Hello from Brooklyn

Hey BS...LOL...LOL. I couldn't help it.

You are a real trooper. I did the int/riba routine twice. The first time, my vl dropped and then began to climb again...so they took me off. The second time the sx were so severe...I had to stop. I became as loony as a tune. Today I'm feeling better...more refreshed...and I learned that the digestive issues that I've dealt with this week were more likely than not a stomach virus and not a sx of treatment. Whatever...I'm just grateful to be on the good foot again. T

Have a great evening!


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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Hey Isicat,

LOL we would have to get someone to sing it because I sure couldn't...they would laugh me of the stage. I liked the RLJ song. I never listened to her before. She is a nice addition. Enjoy your evening.


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....


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Hello Poet'

Welcome Happy  your treatment starting out so well, It,s what i need to hear can't wait for my next shot at the dragon. Very nice poem, I have a good feeling about you, You have a lot positive stuff to offer here. Hope to see more of your post and another SVR announcement.

Good luck be well




Harvoni started 12-12-14 for 24 wks PrevTX Geno 1 stage 3 cirrhosis - non resp Int/ ribv. Started Trial  in Aug 2011 -July 2012 into Incivek relapsed  Feb 2013 Had 72 weeks on interferon & Riba.


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Very beautiful, Poet.   Wouldn't it be great to add some music and get Ricki Lee Jones to sing those words?   I have no talent for writing poetry but I sure can enjoy the heartfelt meaning in the words.   Speaking of RLJ, have a listen to these words:



Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.

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biggrin You are quite welcomed Tig. Hope that you have an amazing day...filled with joy and possibilities for more joy.


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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JB...you are too funny...LOL...I basically know Brooklyn, The Bronx and Manhattan. I lived in Queens for a while...but am less familiar with that borough....I have learned the subway system so well that most times I know which car to get on so that when my stop comes, I am right near the exit...but I've lived here for quite a while and before that I lived in Jersey for 14 years and some of that time was spent working in NYC.

I am so grateful that I feel better today...last night was HEdoubleLL.....I feel refreshed, revived and ready to move forward....smile

Have a great day


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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Oh...I was sick again last night. Severe indigestion, heartburn, gas, nausea and diarrhea. Then once I got all of that out of my body, I finally got about 4 hours of sleep. I feel refreshed again...the energy to fight again...and live again...thank you Turnsit. I am 56 and I bought a bike a couple of years ago. I rode around in Brooklyn, but I didn't dear go to Manhattan. LOL I now have it in storage, but I probably should take it back out. Brooklyn is definitely a biker's town. Have a great day...


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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Oh how I love soberity, its been more than 10 years, after riba and interferon, i never wanted another drink, now i am addicted to cycling my race bike long distances on the island in the country.


poet, i am thrilled you feel better!

A. M. Turner

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I'm glad you spoke to your doc. Best to stay on top of sx when they happen. I'm sure you'll remember, you'll have to 'tweak' this treatment same as before.
Thank you for sharing your poem. For a poet or artist, it's the same as a page from a diary, or calendar date one will always remember. I've sure had my share of missteps and wasted time as well. I think many of us here can identify with that. You made amends by completing your education though. That is something to always fall back on.
My memories of Brooklyn consist mainly of missing subway stops in Gotham and ending up there, or Queens.... Or traveling to the far Rockaways on weekends. I discovered back then that going to NYC was akin to traveling to the future (haha!).


jimbob: 64 y/o, GT 1A, F1-F2, diagnosed 1996. Since 1970. SOT 3.5 mil VL on 3/10/14 with Sov/Rib/Peg for 12 weeks. Tx naive. UND @ week 4,8,12. EOT 6/2/14.



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Thanks DJ, I enjoyed that and understood it's meaning well...




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Thank you for your comments. I spoke to my hep md today and he thought I might have a stomach virus. He said that if the symptoms continued, that I should call him back and go to the er. Thank God that today things have mellowed out. Still somewhat gassy, but the nausea and diarrhea have waned considerably. My major problem today is feeling dizzy and weak.  My body needs nourishment after all of that activity...I'm gonna drink a glucerna. I think that will help.

I was at a meeting on Monday and some people were talking about the difficulty of being sober on a holiday. I am grateful that I didn't even think about it until it was mentioned. When we add new activities we begin to forget the old ones. Here's a little poem I wrote:

WASTED TIME                                       November 2006

So many years

Trippin and fallin

So many times

Cryin and ballin


So many dreams

Thrown away

So many days

I could not face


So much time

Has passed me by

So much energy

Chasin those dimes


                                                                     So much hurt

Infinite pain

Sometimes I wondered

Whats to gain?


Then I found hope

Thanks to God

So just for today

I'm not in a nod


 © DJ 2006



DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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Debra, Turnsit i s right. I found out early on you need a close relationship with your PCP. You need to let he/she know what is happening with you. Mine saved me from the beginning. You need to do whatever it takes to get thru tx. I'm sure he/she can provide some remedy.

Congratulations on 8 years of sobriety. Scruffy is right too that it gets easier with time. I quit drinking in 1987. Not because I wanted to, but had no choice as I discovered one night, out of the blue, that alcohol triggered migraines. Went out with the guys one night after work as usual, drank 1/2 a beer and POW! There it was. Over the years many of my friends have quit too.

I've had days I felt a little queasy, but fortunately, nothing beyond that - yet.

What a great accomplishment getting a degree, one of the smartest thing you could have done....


jimbob: 64 y/o, GT 1A, F1-F2, diagnosed 1996. Since 1970. SOT 3.5 mil VL on 3/10/14 with Sov/Rib/Peg for 12 weeks. Tx naive. UND @ week 4,8,12. EOT 6/2/14.

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Have you told your doctor? I am not sure how long you have had hep c but at some point we lose albumin which carries protein out of our body, we also lose oour ability to create bile, i was ill like you then i realized it was my diet, this can also gappen from eating too much sodium or processed food. I changed my diet drepastically and was no longer ill with rejecting food, gave up most sodium, all processed food, quit eating in restaurants and was careful with protein, changed my life. I have varices of throat now and throwing up with those causes severve bleed out but i am very ill, have had hep c 42 years. Also remarkably strong, can mountain bike and race bike for 35 miles, rest lots in betwen to do this but keep busy. Good luck, be careful. Aloha

A. M. Turner

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You are absolutely right. It is getting easier, decisions, direction and those ohhhhh feeeeelingssmile.

Today was my worse day yet. I started with the vomiting and diarrhea on Sunday night. It continued yesterday. However...it amped up today...severe diarrhea, severe nauseous, dizzy, exhausted...completely out of it...no appetite except for cold fruit...not very much sleep. Then all of a sudden, I threw up all over the place...it was non stop and uncontrollable...However, now that I have all of that out of me...I feel better...energetic...and hopeful again...Now at least I had the energy to clean up that smelly disgusting mess...LOL



DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....


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Hiya Debra

Big congratz on the 8 year mark. I have about 20 years under my belt. After 8 years it just gets easier. Good luck to you on your treatment. Diarrhea is so common we use to joke about the dangers of passing gas while on treatment. no


Geno 1a null responder 2004 inter/riba   finished incivek,peg/riba 48 weeks May 17th 2014. undetect weeks 4-12-32.  EOT+7 undetect. EOT+24 SVR!!!!! EOT+!YEAR SVR!!!!

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blankstareHello Ex-Neighbor,

I live in Park Slope so where only separated by the park! Hawaii has always been a place that I've wanted to visit. Perhaps I will some day. Life is about turning dreams into reality.....aww


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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hmm  Hey Jimbob,


No...that's not my work. I paid a guy $5to draw my pic. I don't have that kind of creativity. My creativity is in poetry.

Feeling better. Still not 100%. slightly weak...and that veracious appetite is no more. I am now afraid that if I eat the wrong thing I'm gonna get sick again.


Yesterday was a true milestone for me. I celebrated 8 years of sobriety!!! Life is becoming like a dream. I fought through so many adversities to be where I am today.     I praise Jesus for my victory. I graduated with a psych degree in 2013 and I was enrolled at Fordham Univ in their CASAC program until a couple of weeks ago when my mom got seriously ill and I had to take a break and go to SC to deal with her illness. Hopefully I will return to school in Aug.


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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I think ocassional nausea and diarrhea are somewhat common on your tx, I know it has been on mine . Most of the time tho I've.had a very healthy appetite.
Is that your artwork on the avatar? If so, it's very good.

Flatbush to Hawaii! ? That is a seriously brave move. Talk about shock! That had to be an adjustment....

Happy to know you both are doing well,...one foot in front of the other....


jimbob: 64 y/o, GT 1A, F1-F2, diagnosed 1996. Since 1970. SOT 3.5 mil VL on 3/10/14 with Sov/Rib/Peg for 12 weeks. Tx naive. UND @ week 4,8,12. EOT 6/2/14.

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I moved from Flatbush in Brooklyn to Hawaii, I miss it, just across the river from Manhattan, so perfect, so many trees, I miss all the ethnic groups! Lots of luck! Sounds like our apprtites are powerful, interesting because its not the usual I hear here...Aloha

A. M. Turner

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no Hello,

Oh yes....it's a brand new Brooklyn. Our newest attraction is the Brooklyn Nets and the Barclays center. I love Brooklyn because it's convenient and big city...with a suburban flair...plenty of trees and families with babies and puppies...not the concrete world of Manhattan.

So, I was doing fine. I had an amazing appetite. I would eat everything in sight....and then....last night I was so sick...nauseas...throwing up...pain in my stomach and finally...diarrhea....   I now am weak and have little appetite. I guess I better go back to mostly healthy eating...green juicing...and lots of h2o


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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Hi Debra and welcome to the forum! The others have pretty much summed up everything. Glad to hear you are doing so well on tx. I'm pleased you found one with fewer sx.

Brooklyn, wow! I was around there about 40 years ago. Pretty sure it's changed somewhat since then....

Best wishes,



jimbob: 64 y/o, GT 1A, F1-F2, diagnosed 1996. Since 1970. SOT 3.5 mil VL on 3/10/14 with Sov/Rib/Peg for 12 weeks. Tx naive. UND @ week 4,8,12. EOT 6/2/14.


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Hi DJ, welcome from me too! 

Congrats on such a huge drop in viral load so soon into treatment, that`s the sort of result we`re seeing a lot of with this amazing drug Sovaldi, and others have also mentioned how much better they feel after such a short time.  You must be thrilled that the treatment is working so well this time around!

Genotype 4 is quite rare but we have had other members with the same genotype here before, and as far as treatment is concerned it usually comes under the same guidelines as gen. 1.

Good advice from your doctor about taking the 2nd dose of ribavirin earlier, insomnia is a well know side effect.

It all sounds great and we look forward to hearing more good news from you!  smile



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.





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Hi DJ,

I'd like to welcome you to the forum as well. From your description, it sounds like the Sovaldi is kicking butt! What a fabulous drug and I'm so glad you and the rest of our members have had the opportunity to use it. I wish you continued good luck and look forward to hearing your progress in the coming weeks!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Welcome DJ, this is a great forum.  I'm sure you'll find in reading posts, folks here are compassionate, caring, knowledgeable, and understanding.  Many have been through the interferon/riba hell you describe. Lately with the newer meds, much of the news has been positive, however as you know there are setbacks and symptoms in tx we all deal with.  Hope your treatment goes smoothly. Look forward to reading your posts,  I often find myself with a big ole seg  biggrin  on my face, reading of others new found hope, health, and joy.   

Wishing you the best, and hoping we all find SVR.


1b  Int/Riba relapse @ 48 weeks.  Stop tx Peg Int/Riba 12 weeks ill. Relapse S/O 6/23/14 :(   Started Harvoni 11/12/14  EOT 4/28/15.  EOT+4 UND :)  SVR! 8/4/15  :)     Thankful for every morning.


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Hey Brooklyn Poet:

I've never met a genotype 4 either.  Welcome.

I'm happy to hear that tx is going so well for you.  Keep doing whatever you are doing!


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.

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I am so grateful to have new hope and new energy. A new opportunity at life. What more could I ask for.


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....


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Hi there, as the rest said never heard of a genotype 4 before xXx good luck biggrin I am week 11 of triple therapy and gone from 5.6 million to PCR negative! Big blood test next week for me xXx Keep everything crossed xXx

Always looking forward xXx

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Yeah it's rare in this country. However, I am very grateful for the new treatment.


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....


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Hi, I never talked to a geno 4 before, Good Luck.


  HCV Genotype 3a , now Psot-Tx was on S/riba. First VL was 5.8 mil on 7-5-13 then "und" at 3.8 weeks. 06/13/14 still und. off meds 3 days back on 7/29 Last pill 08/10/14 SVR+4


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I'm on day 19 of treatment with Sovaldi and Ribavirin. I am genotype 4c. After 2 weeks of treatment, my doc says my VL went from 600,000 to 43...AMAZING...my ALT from 99 to 31 and AST from 114  to 29. I am feeling so alive and energetic. My only side effect is insomnia and the doc says to take my second dose of Ribavirin earlier in the day. I have begun to do that and am sleeping more and better. What a difference from when I took the ribavirin and Interfuron...those days were HELL!!!


DJ...dx 2005...geno 4c...twice interferon/riba failure....completed 24 weeks Sovaldi & Riba on 10/18/14....SOT VL 600,000 after 16 days VL <43. Day 45 <43 again. Day 59...8 weeks UNDETECTED.

Happy and grateful to God for new life....

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