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Post Info TOPIC: Starting treatment next week...?

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RE: Starting treatment next week...?

Ah thanks! Just need to schedule mri. As long as they do not want to biopsy, had biopsy in 2004 and almost died and then i could clot blood, had a good platelet level but now, not much of a platelet level. it could be scar tissue, just had a massive bleed out in april and two blood transfusions, you being thoughtful means a lot to me, thank you...

A. M. Turner


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Hi Nicole,

I'm surprised you're being offered treatment after 2 weeks of sobriety. Over here, you need to be off booze and drugs for 6 months before you're considered.

The protocol for Geno 1a is 24 weeks of Sovaldi, Peg and Riba- not 3 months.

I would recommend waiting until you've got some sobriety-time up. You won't have any liver damage, and shorter, easier treatments are only a few months away.

Go to AA or NA and get that sorted before you worry about your liver. Just my opinion. Cheers and welcome to the Forum.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years



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Turnsit wrote:

I am  on Solvaldi and Olysio with four weeks to go, no the virus is not dead and I just found out I have  a lesion on my liver. 

 I didn't know you were going through this and I am so sorry to hear it.  You know most liver lesions are benign, right?  When will you know more?


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.

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Hi Nandrew.

If the meds are being delievered today I don't think they can be returned, right? This could be an issue. Also a 12 week tx is about $93,000.00. You have to keep that in mind. I certainly wouldn't want to screw that up as you may not get a second chance. You will be losing your insurance within the year. For me, having insurance was a huge advantage. Just my opinion.

Younger people do much better than we older ones. The X-factor here is being in rehab for such a short period. As long as you're monitored and have really good support, I believe you can get through. Also, you'll need a supportive doctor for any sx that may come up.


jimbob: 64 y/o, GT 1A, F1-F2, diagnosed 1996. Since 1970. SOT 3.5 mil VL on 3/10/14 with Sov/Rib/Peg for 12 weeks. Tx naive. UND @ week 4,8,12. EOT 6/2/14.


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Loopy Lisa wrote:

 We are all different and that is what makes us unique, you may complete the treatment and never look back or fail because of other factors. Don't write yourself off, just make a commitment to yourself. If you fail treatment for other reasons it can happen, we are all different. Just because something costs 1000 a pill does not mean you can get through treatment either or you can bear it and get through. Either way, good luck, it is good to get second chances in life :)

All true but I see this as a social problem where the best interests of the individual are not the priority and the individual usually gets lost in the shuffle. Uninfected society wants to try to stop the spread of the virus so they slap a big band-aid on the problem.  

The band-aid here is treatment with historically intolerant treatment drugs that people are more likely to fail at.  This is particularly true if the person is only 2 weeks clean to begin with.  Not only is sobriety compromised by tossing someone 2 weeks clean into this mess but the hepc tx is also compromised.

It doesn't make much sense to me.   What does make sense is helping that person stay sober and then treating them with meds that have a higher success rate at both completing the tx and attaining SVR.  


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.

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Hi there,

for what its worth, interferon and ribivarin removed all desire to ever want another drink and that was a decade ago. I'd rather stand in the shower and cry. Which TX are you trying? I am  on Solvaldi and Olysio with four weeks to go, no the virus is not dead and I just found out I have  a lesion on my liver. I have had Hep C since I was 21 and now I am 62, its 1b or a cannot recall, like it makes a difference anyway. I can still do a lot, cycle 30 miles on the ocean highway, hoop dance in the hot sun for hours, swim, hike hard with some tough 30 year olds, I am tired for that right now though. Olysio keeps us out of the sun and I think a lot of my fatigue is depression from lack of endurance exercise. Go for it! Drinking causes a freaking lot of damage, I know, I did it that way but I couldn't let go of it until I had to. Now my addiction truly is exercise. I can exercise as hard as I once drank! I do not do it to keep me away from booze, I do it because it makes me crazy in love with myself. Good luck to you. Less booze = less Cirrhosis...

A. M. Turner


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Isiscat2011 wrote:
nandrews4 wrote:

I see what you are saying, and I agree (especially with one being more likely to die from a drug OD vs from Hep C). Really, I am just trying to create as much support as possible for myself. Maybe I am not making the "right" decision, I guess time will tell.

I really do understand.  But in the end it always comes down to our own decisions and the way we problem solve.  

When faced with two big problems I prioritize and then deal with the biggest one first.  If I am bleeding to death and have a broken leg then I want to stop the bleeding first, and make darn sure it was stopped, before moving onto the broken leg.  Maybe you can do both at once with enough support.  I wish you the best.  


 We are all different and that is what makes us unique, you may complete the treatment and never look back or fail because of other factors. Don't write yourself off, just make a commitment to yourself. If you fail treatment for other reasons it can happen, we are all different. Just because something costs 1000 a pill does not mean you can get through treatment either or you can bear it and get through. Either way, good luck, it is good to get second chances in life :)


Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 


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nandrews4 wrote:

I see what you are saying, and I agree (especially with one being more likely to die from a drug OD vs from Hep C). Really, I am just trying to create as much support as possible for myself. Maybe I am not making the "right" decision, I guess time will tell.

I really do understand.  But in the end it always comes down to our own decisions and the way we problem solve.  

When faced with two big problems I prioritize and then deal with the biggest one first.  If I am bleeding to death and have a broken leg then I want to stop the bleeding first, and make darn sure it was stopped, before moving onto the broken leg.  Maybe you can do both at once with enough support.  I wish you the best.  



Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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Isiscat2011 wrote:
 No, sweetie.  At >100 thousand dollars a treatment stopping is not a plan B.  smile  That is kind of the point.  If you get on a tx that is easier and safer stopping becomes a non-issue.  





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I see what you are saying, and I agree (especially with one being more likely to die from a drug OD vs from Hep C). Really, I am just trying to create as much support as possible for myself. Maybe I am not making the "right" decision, I guess time will tell.



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nandrews4 wrote:

if it becomes too stressful then I always have the choice to stop 



No, sweetie.  At >100 thousand dollars a treatment stopping is not a plan B.  smile  That is kind of the point.  If you get on a tx that is easier and safer stopping becomes a non-issue.  


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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The odds of you still having HCV at 62 are virtually non existent with the changes in hepc tx.  Just saying.  You are of the more fortunate generation in this regard. 

Deferring tx for a reasonable amount of time while you get your sober legs doesn't mean you won't get tx.  It isn't a now or never proposition.  The odds are tremendously better of an addict dying from a drug overdose than from lack of hepc tx.  


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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Good points (Isiscat2011), if it becomes too stressful then I always have the choice to stop (though I doubt it, since I plan on just sucking it up and pushing through). I also have 2 roommates who will be starting treatment soon. So we will have each other. 


And yes Milliganus-I am attending meetings daily, as well as working with a sponsor and working the steps. I feel like I need to go ahead and get it out of the way while my overall health is in good standing. Also, when it comes most things in my life I am a procrastinator. I can easily see myself putting this off till I am in my 50s or 60s, because I mean really when is it "the right time"? 

But thank y'all for taking time out of your day to respond. Any input is appreciated!




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A 12 step program would also help you with support staying away from using.  I got this illness when I was your age, being stupid not thinking about the consequences.  Here I am at 62 years old and still have it.  I know people who have died from Hep C.  I also know many who have died of drug overdoses.  I hope you will get treated for your Hep C, stay clean and sober, and live a long and fruitful life!  Only you can decide if you benefit from getting treatment young.    I guess I would have if I had known better.  All things become more difficult as we age.  Our bodies get sicker quicker.  These new drugs are truly a game changer for people with this illness. 

Blessings to you.



Long-term HCV, GT1a, IL28B C/T, T/G;  VL 2 mil.  Merck C-Edge Clinical trial  EOT 10/01/14. +24= UND


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Oye Vey!  Why or why don't we (as a nation) think problems through?  IMO, you would be better served by getting in some substantial sober time, and learning how to live and cope without drugs, before being thrown into an extremely stressful and difficult treatment that is less effective than what will be available in the near future.  

A better HCV tx will be available to you, even without your parents insurance, in the near future.  You are newly infected; there is no harm to you in waiting and getting your life back on track before starting tx. 

Having said that, I understand that the tx drugs are on their way, and you want to get started.  Do the best you can and keep your sobriety as your number one priority.  Stay close to your sober support system.  I wish you the best.   


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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Hi nandrew,

Only you can answer that question to be honest. I've been addicted to cigarettes and I fell off that wagon a million times until I made a real decision that was it. If you have made a firm decision that you will not take drugs through your treatment go for it.

It isn't going to be always easy on treatment so you'd better have some good support in place that is not from your drug using period.

I think getting clean of drugs and treating is a good thing at 25, you have your whole life ahead of you to start afresh.

Good luck and take it seriously. :) 


Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 


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Hey everyone,

I was diagnosed with Hep C about 2-3 months ago, contracted through sharing needles (dumb, I am aware). Got tested 1st time in 2011-negative then positive this year, thus have not had the virus too long. I am currently 2 weeks sober, and living in a sober living and attending an intensive out patient program. I felt that since I live in a supportive environment as well as in group/individual therapy 3-4 times/week, now is as good a time as any to start treatment. I am 25 years old (still on parents insurance too-will be cut off on my 26th birthday) and praying that being younger will have some benefit in the sense of side effects...Which is what I am most terrified about. Thank God though that treatment has been narrowed down to only 3 months vs 1 year.

My medicine should be delivered today and once I meet with a nurse I would expect to begin my treatment next week. I have genotype 1A and the medicines I am prescribed are Pegasys, Ribavirin, and Solvadi.

Am I just crazy to be starting treatment this soon in recovery? Or will I be sick to the point where I just won't have any interest in getting high? Praying for the latter here!


I don't know, just wanted to touch base with others that are or have gone through the same thing. Any insight, and overall information on what to expect will be greatly appreciated!


Thank you!


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