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Post Info TOPIC: Silent Dr but I recieved correspondance Re: Harvoni


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RE: Silent Dr but I recieved correspondance Re: Harvoni

The Insurance companies signed an agreement with the Insurance industry  to accept  the ACA . They accepted the money, which in basic terms, says the full force of the United States Government  backs any loss or additional cost  so that it isn't a "burden " to the insurance industry.


Kind of like GM . They will throw them money when the cost burden gets to a level  that is unsustainable ( which everyone against it knew would happen) .

So, as long as you have that policy, they cannot refuse you treatment for a medical issue such as cancer, or Hep C.  The one long problem in all this, is the lack of ' approved drugs has really not been established. Even so, they cannot deny you treatment.  The Harvoni people told me that if your Dr  (must be a Gastro)  requests to treat with Harvoni  and the Gastro agrees to follow the protocol, follow up testing etc  you can get Harvoni . Again, a Gastro must follow , do the testing required, you got it. Let an insurance company try to deny... and they will, but that is against the ACA law.

Bet they are sorry they got into that bed....




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Thank you.  I decided about 2 weeks or so that I am going Advocate after learning that my Grant institution (Health System) " has already been allocated the money for  Hep C treatment  with Harvoni. . Problem is, nobody knows where it is.  Broward Health says they don't have it, but  HHS and others from the Government, say they indeed have the money.

 The liver Foundation was very helpful in getting to the bottom of where the money went, and they finally said to Us " it has been allocated, but"  We were able to find  one small sober facility who got it  specific for Harvoni, even though none of them are great candidates for it as they are still active drinkers and drugs . Go figure, but I don't know any of them are on the meds, they were just the vehicle to get the money which they will use   for anything they want in spite of the money being required  for treatment.   The probably using it for  a Caribbean  bonding trip.    That's how they roll. I was on the board once, and I will not let them spend this money for anything than the grant provides .

The liver people are looking to help people  be their own advocates, and there are a dew high profile people who have been thru it. It is time to go Advocate to make sure that everyone who  needs this medication can get it.  With the way the election  results came out, this would be a really good time to talk to your congressman etc.   They are smart enough that it is cheaper to treat before more  damage is done .  My understanding is they are going to address this issue  pretty quick.  After all, we all know how they love big Pharma . Everyone on the Hill, tell me that mid Jan is when this will be addressed, and allocations go out to the states.

Lastly I thought the Gilliead  people were awesome over the several times I spoke with various people in the Company. Help is on the way but get involved with you reps, your local orgs, and make sure this gets to the people in your community. It will make a difference.  




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I will try to find it, but there was a discussion on how the $$ were to be allocated for those in ACA, and private insurance from employers  mid Jan . It is cheaper to treat it sooner in the long one was the gist  of it.


I will find it and post



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I had my 2 examinations .Both considered experts in Hep C . I am still waiting  for Fibro scan  which is hard to find at home.  The do not want to do a needle biopsy because of my history of Cancer, more specifically  the  Bilateral RPLND . There are thousands of clips and other stuff from that surgery so they would rather pass on that.    My V-volume was a spec lower, but I feel like crap, then something about ammonia  and  my brain?


The both told me that the time to treat is when I am having problems from the virus. I am going to have a bigger problem if I don't meet my contract obligation . A serious one which would pretty much remove any idea of me paying for it, as  with my grant Dr, I have seen her 3 times, for 10 minutes each and Jan will be the next one.

Rather than sit here and wonder, I am going to do what I can. I am also not up for a gamble  choice .  They both told me, as did someone who is involved in development to market drugs, that Harvoni  was not developed on the typical model.   The cost to develop,  bring it to marke,t was way lower than  what is normal . .  In the scope of things , big time less.   Which the Pharm guy said would be a huge plus . They are going to make their money on volume with a lower cost.   Which makes a lot of sense .

No we cant  say any of us will have the same High priced premiums before they treat. We may get some lower, but because of the ACA law, many people are about to get a HUGE surprise  by the  Caddy Tax,  and if the ACA still exists, they are going to get ailed with HUGE deductibles .  Remember the ACA only exists bc they basically gave the insurance companies  a ton of money to play.

I am more afraid of not getting treated sooner  because of this.  How many of us can pay 10's and 10's of thousands deductibles, and employer based  policies will essentially be gone.  If I had an employer policy,  I would kicking on the door to get treated now, before they are finished by caddy tax


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"Sure, I'm willing suffer silently and pay an insurance company high priced premiums for another 3 years before they'll treat my now 'curable' disease"...  Can anyone honestly predict they'll even have the same carrier in 3 years?  A lot of people cannot make that prediction. I can't. It's a gamble.



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ounds reasonable to me assuming a rationing system is necessary.  Do you think people would be willing to patiently wait their turn?  Say, an F-1, was told "not later than 3 years"?     

Let's ask the F-1s. 

Who decides this ? 

 "would provide some confidence for patients required to wait. Just a thought..."

 I have not had one single Dr tell me   I have to wait  for any reason.  Who decides I am required to wait?  Only one I know, and who would never verbalize it , is the one who wants to chat for 10 minutes  every 2 months  because they dont want to pay for it.  Everyone else is like " Let's go "    I am waiting for the appropriate  documentation  to do just that.   When the ACA blows up, and when the Caddy Tax hits, there will be way more people who will need to have some assistance  with paying for it ..... what's the difference ? 




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I do not have a goal in which I  am trying to be first round of what looks like a good drug.  I understand words like assess,  surveillance  and  so on.


My worry is  that I am assessed at the beginning the correct way. It is that simple . I can rememeber the exact day, and the exact time when I woke up a totally different person.  Energy completely gone. Loss of weight, and the most troubling is, and continues to be .  I am  looking at my cat of 9 years and forgetting her name.   This is very disturbing. 

It has taken over one year and 4 weeks to get  the Geno, load etc.  and that is after 5 appointments. It is my understanding my VL is high  from what  this site has told me .   I don't recall any mention of some toxicity  that can happen until the 2 Drs who are helping asked me if this had been explored.  It hadn't or I forgot. 

I also understand the process for new drugs very well . If someone was to say that having  evaluated my situation I am in , that I could easily wait 3 years, I would  perfect for me. I go on Tour in Jan , and I would like to do it with some idea of what ,  is going on so I can plan or adjust .

Lastly, I am looking again to see if some policy on the ACA site  would work for me, but the deductibles are huge, and will be even bigger next round. I am not sure that any of these meds are contracted and approved under ACA 


So, being  that is where it is , I know my goal right now is to get the Drs to get my Dr to assess this correctly and quickly, and they are going to get her in the right direction or I have to switch . With my medical history of Chemo, more  chemo, a very high  number of CT' scans with contrast, they would not use CT to  assess my liver.If I do have liver injury, the culprit could easily be the Chemo, and the  numerous Ct's  If the liver looked good, they would treat  immediately . What ever the treatment options that are presented, but it some combo, or Harvoni, I will do whatever the one they see fit, when they see fit. 

The good news is that the Drs who are helping, I know there are one or 2 people here who have one of them  as their Dr.Yes, he and the group are excellent . Alot of really strong info,research  etc is coming out of Cincinnati .

I am not trying to be difficult, and I am not whining that I should be first, or even want to be , but I have seen this movie many times. 

Cost of the treatment shouldn't be an in issue , as I do have the grant, it is  presented as such, and Harvoni people approved it to  work with their  coupon as as a co pay.  I can handle that.   I am only trying to get the proper  assessment documented so I can get out of purgatory  .  

I have seen this movie too. 





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I do not have a goal in which I  am trying to be first round of what looks like a good drug.  I understand words like assess,  surveillance  and  so on.


My worry is  that I am assessed at the beginning the correct way. It is that simple . I can rememeber the exact day, and the exact time when I woke up a totally different person.  Energy completely gone. Loss of weight, and the most troubling is, and continues to be .  I am  looking at my cat of 9 years and forgetting her name.   This is very disturbing. 

It has taken over one year and 4 weeks to get  the Geno, load etc.  and that is after 5 appointments. It is my understanding my VL is high  from what  this site has told me .   I don't recall any mention of some toxicity  that can happen until the 2 Drs who are helping asked me if this had been explored.  It hadn't or I forgot. 

I also understand the process for new drugs very well . If someone was to say that having  evaluated my situation I am in , that I could easily wait 3 years, I would  perfect for me. I go on Tour in Jan , and I would like to do it with some idea of what ,  is going on so I can plan or adjust .

Lastly, I am looking again to see if some policy on the ACA site  would work for me, but


So, being  that is where it is , I know my goal right now is to get the Drs to get my Dr to assess this correctly and quickly, and they are going to get her in the right direction or I have to switch . With my medical history of Chemo, more  chemo, a very high  number of CT' scans with contrast, they would not use CT to  assess my liver. If the liver looked good, they would treat  immediately . What ever the treatment options that are presented, but it some combo, or Harvoni, I will do whatever the one they see fit, when they see fit. 




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Tig56 wrote:

Perhaps the suggestion to treat the disease using a "not later than" philosophy would provide some confidence for patients required to wait. Just a thought...


Sounds reasonable to me assuming a rationing system is necessary.  Do you think people would be willing to patiently wait their turn?  Say, an F-1, was told "not later than 3 years"?     

Let's ask the F-1s.  biggrin


Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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I could phrase it differently.  Of course it would cost  more now to treat , but they are probably close to their cost  of production . I have also seen where they have already "sold"  the drug(s) on individual deals with various organizations , Governments etc. 

There are losses in production as an example, that would be a no brainer that a healthy workforce is more productive than a sick one. That is a cost to not only a patient, but employers, insures and so on. 

I will go look at the exact number, but the 8 years I have felt I had a problem , the many many scans, tests,  blood test, er visits  and so on are expensive to the person, and to society... It is the reason for the ACA in the first place  I am fairly certain, but I will look, that the last 8 years of me trying to find out what was wrong cost more than the  85,000 Dollars for Harvoni . Much more if you add in lost of production and such. Weigh that with the good response of the new drugs,  increased productivity and being healthier adds more to the plus side of treating now.  After all wasn't it one of the  main goals of the ACA  to keep people out of the Ers because of cost? 



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Perhaps the suggestion to treat the disease using a "not later than" philosophy would provide some confidence for patients required to wait. Just a thought...




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Brian1412 wrote:


Eventually,  even my Dr will learn that it is muct more expensive to  ignore than it is to treat the right way.  The good ones already know it, and so do their patients 

This isn't necessarily true.  HCV is a slow progressing disease that can go without tx for many years with no adverse effects to the patient.  For those patients it is clearly less expensive to wait to tx until costs of tx decrease.  

For sicker patients, it becomes more expensive not to tx, but the comparison of cost to tx to liver transplants a false comparison because few patients will ever receive liver transplants.  Either they won't progress to that point or there will not be a liver available.  

If cost was the only issue then the answer would be clear: it is PRESENTLY less expensive not to tx many, perhaps most, patients.  



Diagnosed in 2011, Incivek triple in 2011, tx discontinued, Genotype 1a, CT, VL 7mill, cirrhosis dx in 2012, age 67, waiting for new DAAs.


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Yes, I agree with those who try to get the Gov to act in meaningful ways,but have always found it extremely effective to come from a grass roots perspective via the Drs.   Also, using Livestrong as an example again, it was the experts in Cancer who led the charge to change the way they approached  Testicular Cancer treatment, information  and so on.   They experts  treated with minimal  bills, would consult with anyone for free, directly follow up , and often treat with no payment . This effort turned Tc from a 100 % death sentence to 100 % cure rate in a very short period of time  with the discovery of the BEP protocol 


The Drs will fight for this access as they know it is the treatment  that will help many who have been waiting  for decades. It is out of the bag so to speak . The Drs and the people like us will lead the charge 

Eventually,  even my Dr will learn that it is muct more expensive to  ignore than it is to treat the right way.  The good ones already know it, and so do their patients 


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Brian1412 wrote:

So, as long as I have the grant, I am going to need help in understanding the steps of the process, test result interpretation, tests needed   etc. and get this going myself. That is where it is, and where I go advocate . For myself, and others .

Here's a link for an activist/advocate group: http://www.treatmentactiongroup.org/hcv

And this: http://www.thebody.com/content/74888/act-up-calls-on-congress-for-price-cut-on-sovaldi-.html

And this: Go get 'em!! biggrin


Hep C since 1982, GT IL28b CC, tx naive, VL 2.5M, normal liver panel, Hepascore F-0, A-1. Sjogren's, Hashimoto's, Raynaud's, etc. SOT S/O 12 wk tx on 10.28.14. EOT 1.19.15. HEP C FREE AT LAST! 4.29.15


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I am not sure where to start.   The Papers were for the application for assistance  to pay for Harvoni..  


I had my 3 rd Dr Appointment  yesterday since I was diagnosed last  March when all this started. It has taken me a year to get to yesterday...  All those disjointed  posts I made at the beginning  believe it or not, will make  some sense now.  I knew it would. 

My Dr, was going to just blow thru an appointment with me yesterday . She was not even going to tell me what my blood tests said ( the typing, VL etc )   I had to bring it up for her and I gave her the results .She then said "I will see you in 2 months which at that time she would schedule a CT scan to see if I had liver damage". .... seriously   Had that been the answer, I would have known 7-8 years ago  my status .. As I said before , I went to the ER  probably 25 plus times having some issue  with what they said was my Gallbladder. The answer always was " you have slightly elevated  ALT AFT ..  "

 . I told my Nurse I needed a biopsi, or better yet, a Fibro scan .  The Dr didn't know what it was....... sigh. My next appointment is in 2 months ....... I erased expert from her name .

This will not  do....   The Hep C community needs to "build"  a grassroots  advocacy quickly.  6 people who happened to meet on AOL boards  in 1995 became the Livestrong Foundation, which grew quickly   Even today, with  Lance having turned out to be a doper , The Livestrong Foundation is one of the most effective orgs in this country and highly regarded in spite of the guy on the bike.  .   Hep C  needs that kind of advocacy , especially now with the presentation of so many great meds.. As I told the Dr yesterday, I am sure a liver transplant  cost more than the meds do that will cure this for many . 

I totally support the rights of the Pharma Companies to recoup and make a profit, as without them, Wall street, and so on, these medicines would not exist. 

The Pharma  Companies now know they work. Being there is a huge population for so many so the recoup time should be faster than Normal. 

Havoni did not deny me, but they did ask about  liver .  My history would not indicate liver damage, as no drugs, no drinking issues etc . The question is did C do damage my liver?  I am back to the Fibro scan, or biopsy in regards to Harvoni . In my discussions with them, they were great, helpful and informative .  I am working on the Fibro as I speak. 

I know  this healthcare thing I have isn't  so great except they will pay,maybe ,  but I knew from the start I would have some version of this Dr Problem and Hospital  .    ..    . I have found my Dr isn't so informed, so both  The Ohio State expert I know, and the one from UCLA are both going to call her Monday and hopefully get her on track. 

There are so many people, these meds should ignite the pressure to make them available, after all, it is much cheaper  than a Liver transplant  ..... 

 I was patient dumped by this clinic  yesterday because they didn't want to pay  for the scan or Biopsy. Simple as that. There is no way that they don't have a fibroscan  at this Healthcare  facility and they certainly have done liver biopsy's before . They have done transplants. 

It is now 9 months since I was at the ER and diagnosed. I got my approval for the clinic/assistance  at the same time of the ER, and I have only just  a month ago actually  got typed. 2 months  ago I got those results and 2 months to get to yesterday.  My next appointment is in 2 months with no tests for liver scheduled. It is very clear they are jiving me to get to March again at which time my grant will expire...  They are rationing .... 

So, as long as I have the grant, I am going to need help in understanding the steps of the process, test result interpretation, tests needed   etc. and get this going myself. That is where it is, and where I go advocate . For myself, and others .



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 I am not sure what they are. Not sure who had them sent. I guess I will know when I see Dr on Friday .. I did see one  requesting pharmacy info.   Wouldn't they do a Fibro scan  before  choice of drug?  One of my goals  is that I am going to talk directly to the Dr, so that there is a reasonable  time response to this.  If it says I can wait 3 years, great, but I am not going to  have this in me for 3 more years  more.


Having my Ca Drs  and a Gastro specialist I know at OSU,  I  have great advocates to see we can get on this, soon as possible. As my gastro  said at the start, they can get people into the new meds, but I think the trick is to be as informed as can be demand the new meds if appropriate .  The OSU guy said that while it may be cost at the start, but it would turn into the poss

I will let you know what they papers are


Thank you for the responses



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Hey Star

Wow! Congrats on having your ticket punched for Harvoni.

8 weeks, how did your doctor arrive at that duration?

You must be in fantastic shape.

Hoping all the best during your weeks



"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

61 year old Geno type A1, F4 Cirrhotic, started 24 weeks on Harvoni 12-17-14 ,EOT-5 week = UND, 8-31-15 =UND , SVR-24 Baby YES! 



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Good luck Star! You're one of the lucky ones to start this drug and your odds of success have never been better! I'm happy that you're not experiencing many side effects, lets keep it that way!! Good luck and keep us informed of your progress!!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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I started Harvoni 11/19... only side effect on day 2 is feeling "spaced out"!!


62 year old female      1a, f1-2, had virus 40 years   STARTED HARVONI for 8 weeks 11/19/14, relapsed one month after tx  ended in 1/15.  Fibrosis level was only .5 after fibroscan 12/15. Began treatment with Mavyret on January 20, 2018 for 16 weeks!  Ending May 12.

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What did the letters from Harboni say? are you getting approved for it? Let us know how things go. 



genotype 2 completed sovaldi and ribavirin on 6/4/14. SVR on 12/3/14


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Hi Brian, well that sounds like good news right? I feel spacey sometimes too. Especially today since I am taking a bunch of cold meds.


Genotype 1a, VL 1,151,923.  51 years old.  Started treatment on AbbVie TOPAZ II clinical trial Oct 10, 2014!  Undetected at weeks 2 and 4! 



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Hey Brian,

Good to hear from you! The news sounds promising and I wish you luck in finally getting the treatment you deserve. I'm glad your Ca doctor is providing you some encouraging news! I hope you hear something soon. Keep us in the loop and good luck!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

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It seems that is spite of Dr. Silence, I have been getting a bunch of stuff  regarding  Harvoni  to send in. They most recently  requested Pharmacy  Information .


I hope that is good ...   I see Dr  on Friday . No word on Fibroscan, but my cancer Dr with whom I do follow ups with ( He actually talks to me ),  is  pretty sure  I don't have any extensive liver damage.

I still want the  test though . I still get the "spaced out " feeling at times but doing ok.


Hope everyone is ok too

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