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Post Info TOPIC: Lurker comes out of the shadows


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RE: Lurker comes out of the shadows

Hi FL,

I'm happy to hear things have improved over the first couple of days! I was concerned for you. The first week can be a scary one and it's good to know you're going to be fine! Maybe a little hungrier than normal but you'll figure that out too. Just keep the sweets and carbs to a minimum and you'll be okay. It is a SFX that others are mentioning, so you're following suit. 

The brain fog is part of the fun, leave yourself notes and use your phone recorder (I had to do that!) if it gets bad, lol! You'll be fine, I know it!! Keep up the positive attitude!!!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Wanted to report back now that I hit day 6.  My stomach went from no appetite to now being super hungry all the time!  I was enjoying the fact I was losing weight and had at least that to look forward to.  I only could use about a ten lb drop but it doesn't look like that will happen now LOL.  I have major brain fog which is becoming funny with work because I pause and forget what I was telling a customer.  I seem scatter brained to them and that isn't my norm!  Since I dose about dinner time, sleeping isn't an issue really, been sleeping very well.  I am just hung over in the mornings and I start work really early so that has been the only bummer so far.  It's a drug type hang over feeling with some dizziness that is getting better each day.  All in all I have adjusted to the new brain and am so looking forward to my first blood test Jan 6th.  My doctor doesn't do a two week one, only four weeks.  I tried to beg him for it but he refused. 



GT 1b first time treating with Harvoni 8 weeks.  4 weeks UND 8 week UND.  8 weeks after treatment UND.

 12 weeks SVR.  Reached 24 weeks SVR!


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Welcome in fourlocos,

I agree about anxiety many people have about taking meds in general. Good points your blood work is Ok ( not completely out of wack) no real bad liver damage? No drinking a big plus. never been treated ? You appear tough go to work sick. My thought your one of the easier cases. I can't wait to see your fears turning around in a few weeks. I'm glad you came out of the dark. i think your going to be a big inspiration to all of us.

Bill S



Harvoni started 12-12-14 for 24 wks PrevTX Geno 1 stage 3 cirrhosis - non resp Int/ ribv. Started Trial  in Aug 2011 -July 2012 into Incivek relapsed  Feb 2013 Had 72 weeks on interferon & Riba.

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Welcome fourlocos.  You probably won't have any trouble working when taking Harvoni.  Most of us have felt only minor side effects and it sounds like you're in good shape to start with.  I've been working full time and then some.  And looking forward, there's a good possibility that you'll end up feeling better overall if treatment is successful.  Those aches and pains, etc. might just improve along with a dose of new energy, from what others have said biggrin

Best of luck to you!


HCV Gen 1a diagnosed 2001; Labs 11/13/14: VL 1.2 million IU/mL, ast 88, alt 111. Harvoni TX 12 weeks.  EOT - 2/18/15, VL UND & normal ast/alt.

4 wks after EOT, VL = UND; normal AST/ALT at 4, 8 and 14 weeks after EOT.  15 weeks after EOT = Undetectable!

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Thank you.  I am going to hold on to what you wrote.  I am on the 8 week plan.  I think my biggest fears are that I won't be at my peak performance with my work schedule so heavy for the rest of the month.  But I have worked sick more times than I can count and I will look at it that way! 


GT 1b first time treating with Harvoni 8 weeks.  4 weeks UND 8 week UND.  8 weeks after treatment UND.

 12 weeks SVR.  Reached 24 weeks SVR!



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It's very common to obtain a level of anxiety never before realized, just before treatment starts the first time. It might do you well to stop reading tonight and give your mind a break. When I first learned I was positive, it was in 1996 and there was no Internet to surf, no Google and no forums for support! Don't let it overwhelm you, but I can understand why it's having that effect on you. Be confident right now knowing your liver is still in great shape. You have also learned of your situation at probably the best time we have ever witnessed for treatment. Finally, you have just learned that you have been approved (miraculously) the first time for the new silver bullet in Hep C care! You've got a lot to be happy for, even considering what you just learned! If you've got to have it, now is the time to find out. The available treatments have never been better and in a matter of 12 weeks, this will be over for you and your liver will be doing the "Happy Dance"! Hang in there and know that we will be here for you all the way... Good luck, everything is going to be fine!!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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As the evening has worn on I find I am freaking out a bit.  I have to get my anxiety under control here to start later tomorrow.  I have enough anxiety just taking antibiotics.  This is much bigger in my mind.  I was caught off guard figuring I would start in a couple months.  Maybe it's better to just dive in.  I have so much nausea from nerves I won't know the difference if I did have issues.  I will for sure avoid the zantac so that this gift isn't blown and deal with it somehow.  I will be back I am sure with cries for support to get through this.  I am just coming to terms with having Hep C let alone starting the treatment so fast.......


GT 1b first time treating with Harvoni 8 weeks.  4 weeks UND 8 week UND.  8 weeks after treatment UND.

 12 weeks SVR.  Reached 24 weeks SVR!

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yes, sounds very lucky. do it. my treatments were with the interferon & the riba & I had to work. this sounds like a breeze for u. so haapy for u!!! we are all here for u!! these ppl are wonderful... they listened to me upteen times & got me tjru it.. 

Peace out



TazKat Genotype 1A null responder x 3 riba & iterferon twice, relapsed from Incivek 2012 with only 12 weeks left to do. stage 4 mild cirrhosis 4/25/2014/ started sovaldi riba & interferon.. finished treatment 7/17/14  results 7/25  cleared..




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Welcome out of the shadows and into the light!

Sounds as if you've been very lucky, and should clear the virus without any problems.

I'd double check about the Zantac. There is some evidence that it may interfere with the Ledipasvir component of Harvoni. I certainly wouldn't take both at the same time.

Side effects are reportedly pretty mild, so you should be able to work.

Let us know how you progress. Cheers.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years


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Welcome four locos!  I was a lurker for some time also...I knew I had Hep C for the last 20 years or so.  Your chances of being cured with the Harvoni are very good.  It sounds like your liver panels and other tests are all good, so your chances of having minimal effects from the Hep C are excellent.  I had similar numbers as you.  The new treatments are easy, at least that has been my experience.  I had virtually no side effects and now 10 weeks post treatment the virus is still undectable.  


Good to have youron board!



Long-term HCV, GT1a, IL28B C/T, T/G;  VL 2 mil.  Merck C-Edge Clinical trial  EOT 10/01/14. +24= UND

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I know I don't want to ruin the treatment taking something.  I have issues with gastritis and use zantac often.  I can't take anything stronger.  But I will hold off and pray I don't need it.  They did say if I have to use it to take it with the pill and then not to take the Zantac for 12 hours.  So it's either take it together or not at all.  Nexium and the other protein pump inhibitors isn't allowed they said.  I can't use them anyway!  I will do it cold turkey tomorrow night.   What I have lived with for years is muscle aches and joint pains.  Stomach issues with gastritis confirmed with endoscopy ten years ago.  My stomach pains in the upper right quadrant just started about two or three months ago.  Mentioned it at my physical and we agreed it might be my gastritis back and so I said I would take Zantac twice a day and if I didn't improve I would go the GI doctor.  Now in hind sight it might have been the Hep C.  I guess I will find out after treatment.  I always just thought I felt like crap because I am getting old.  This bloating and stomach ache though is new.   I was sick with one cold after another since July and just haven't felt like myself.  More tired etc.  Kept waiting for the new insurance to kick in before seeking the doctors help.  Never expected to find this out!


GT 1b first time treating with Harvoni 8 weeks.  4 weeks UND 8 week UND.  8 weeks after treatment UND.

 12 weeks SVR.  Reached 24 weeks SVR!

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With your age and length of time with C, and  the fact you never drank has been a great plus for you, it means that your damage is likely very minimal and chances for tx success even better, my guess is that in 6 months this will just be a scary memory and it'll  be like it never happened.

What symptoms if any are you having now ? Just eat well and stay plenty hydrated during tx and you likely come thru this tx like a breeze, I'm  a nit surprised they ok'd the zantax....as most tx don't want patients to use antacids or the like?but if your Doc says it's ok go for it, but I would see IF you even need it before taking it as a preventative for something that may not happen.



53yr M 1a acq 12/83 cirr pre tx MELD 17  tx nv diag 1/29/12  tx S/O 3/5/14  trans list.

EOT 5/28/14 UND 6/12/14 SVR 8/29/14 MELD 14 dx HCC 9/5/2014 tumor ablation 9/24/14

In the 10K lakes State It's not about us but those around us.

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Josh I had just started having stomach aches and pains on my right upper side about two months ago.  I think because I have never drank might have helped me as well.  I am a liquor/wine demonstrator and don't drink!  I seriously don't even know what most of it tastes like even thought I sell a ton of it every weekend.  Also I am very active with my jobs and I hike two miles or more a day with my dog in the woods. 

-- Edited by fourlocos on Tuesday 9th of December 2014 12:56:16 AM


GT 1b first time treating with Harvoni 8 weeks.  4 weeks UND 8 week UND.  8 weeks after treatment UND.

 12 weeks SVR.  Reached 24 weeks SVR!

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 for being 58 F1-F2 is pretty good im 31 and im F2... You have indeed came to the best Hep C website on the internet .. all Hep c news ..info and perspective flows here my friend.... I kind smile on the inside when i see more people find this place because i know theyll be astounded by the great people and the resources .... 



youll be ok to work on harvoni ... if you indeed get it im hopin to get it myself and will work when im taking it........ 


 anyway thanks for sayin hi

-- Edited by Josh Haynie on Tuesday 9th of December 2014 12:51:43 AM


genotype 1  HCV 4,958,318 iu/ml    HCV Log updated soon  iu/ml------5'10 135lbs 9-15-83  genotype 1 since 2002----Pendleton,Oregon


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From what everybody is saying there is relatively few side effects with Harvoni. I wouldn't worry at all about not being able to work. Most of us were able to work on the old crappy treatments which had tons of nasty side effects, so I'm sure you will do fabulously. And what luck to be approved so quickly. You go girl... In a few months, this will seem like a blip in your life.

  1. Gracie

1A. Previously treated non responder Rebetron in 2000 And Incevik in 2014 with a breakthrough at week 12. Fibroscan 15.5. VL 6,000,000. Finished 24 weeks harvoni on Dec. 19, 2015. SVR. Latest Fibroscan 8.8.

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Hi all.  I feel like I know you already because I have been reading up on Hep C here nightly.  Although I decided to come out of the shadows now because I just got the call that my Harvoni is ready to be picked up tomorrow at the pharmacy.  It was a blessing/shocked/surprise since I only just saw the GI Liver specialist six days ago.  He told me to be prepared for a battle and several denials since only half his patients he has applied for have been approved.  So okay.... I figured mid Feb the earliest.  And surprise!!  Praying helps I guess!

So about me now.  I was a wild, rebellious teenager.  Experimented with many things in a few years span before conforming and becoming an average tax paying, over worked mother/wife.  I lived and had a ton of fun!  I believe I was exposed during one of the two times I let someone use a needle on me.  Twice...... and look what it got me.  My mother used to say in the those days "if it's going around, she will catch it".  So jumping 40 years later.  I have always had yearly physicals and such.  My husband lost his job and life things made it too expensive to keep our insurance.  I went without the past almost four years.  We finally got it again and literally the next day I already had my appointment get all worked up by my doctor and referrels for mammograms, eye doctor etc.  I fasted for my blood just in case and had it drawn.  I never expected that phone call a week later.  If your doctor calls, it is never good news.  I was on a ladder at work and was immediately freaked out.  She asked me back in for another blood test and wanted me in that day if possible.  No fasting needed.  They said my  ATL was elevated and she suspected Hep C.  I asked if I was going to die.  I felt sick.  I knew the big C would get me eventually but never in my radar was that big C.  Never.  I am fairly knowledgeable about medical conditions and have helped many in the family research etc.  But really knew nothing.  You all helped me with that.  If you haven't gotten bored reading all this by now I should mention my phone call came just last month on Nov. 13th.  Two days before my 58th birthday.  I cried some, and then some more.  Then went into survival mode and started researching all of it.  I knew everything from your forum that I needed to know before my specialist visit.  That helped the appointment.  I had my ultrasound prior to that visit and already knew my geno and VL.  Which is 1b, VL 1million500 and my ultrasound is unremarkable.  All appeared normal.  The GI doctor ran more blood work last week and called me with the Fibrosure results of F1-F2.   So he prepared me for a long battle for Harvoni and never did I expect in less than a week to be approved and it's waiting for my pick up tomorrow morning.  I am scared now!!  I work seven days a week till the end of the month.  I work in a retail type field and this is my busy time.  Jan/feb I will be home more and thought it would be better in case of side effects.  I am freaking out that I might get sick and not be able to work and I can't do that this month.  Doctor won't let me wait to start.  I called them and they said NO start immediately.  They never had anyone so far get approved this quick and they don't want to test fate.  They also got my co pay reduced, without me even asking to just five dollars.  So it's all great news now.  I have been having upper right quadrant pain and my primary doctor noted that on my chart.  I don't think either of us expected that blood test result.   Just wanted to say hi and hope to get your help and support.  Please anyone on Harvoni, will I be okay for working half days?  It's fairly physical work but I am a tough cookie.  I just don't do well on any medications.  I get stomach issues from everything.  They told me to take a zantac with the pill each day if I wanted.  Since I take that regularly anyway.  And Tylenol if I should get headaches. 


GT 1b first time treating with Harvoni 8 weeks.  4 weeks UND 8 week UND.  8 weeks after treatment UND.

 12 weeks SVR.  Reached 24 weeks SVR!

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