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Post Info TOPIC: daklinza/solvadi treatment


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RE: daklinza/solvadi treatment

Hee hee syd, you always make me lol, no matter how serious the situ! I love the way you tell a story, even when it is true! Aside from the falling hair on your shoulders, you have a very good (wise) head fixed firmly atop your shoulders.! And strong shoulders too! Tons of attributes! No wonder they are still a-callin'. biggrin C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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so you think we've chased poor Pablo and Tig away? Well now the bus has come to stop around the corner I can add a few details! virtually all of my body hair has fallen out. It's strange since i spent so many years waxing shaving plucking errant bits. i do still have some eyelashes but no eyebrows. The hair on my head  does  seem to have stooped falling  out and is maybe just old lady syndrome. Speaking of which, a guy I used to tremble at the sight of twenty years ago phoned me out of the blue last night. He did his old mellow voice compliments  thing which would  formerly have had me prepared to ditch former commitments and common sense. Instead I sat there thinking -  yes words are cheap, how on earth did this routine have such a cataclysmic effect on my undies area All,those years ago? I guess we are nothing but tissue and hormones - mine have finally packed it in. Thank God I say, they were responsible for very fleeting pleasant sensations and a whole lot of really terrible decision making. If I could gift one attribute to my granddaughters it would be very low libidos! 

Syd evileye



Contracted Hep C 1969. Genome Type 2, treatment naive. Began 12 week RIBA/sof/Dac on 12/11/15. Cirrhosis. VL before treatment 4m. Treatment extended another 12 weeks without Riba. No virus detected at 9 weeks.


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Oh! On sober second thought, perhaps some clarification was required!, just what KIND of abundant jungle hair were we talking about !! Uh, - may-be, not a good look! Until further notice, I revoke my request to borrow some of your hair! I'll just stick with my hormone replacement therapy for the time being, thanks anyway! hee hee

Poor brave Tig and Pablito just kinda disappeared in the dust here as we gals drove this thread around the corner in the estrogen bus in our cast iron panties!! hee hee

BTW - I've meant to mention, I can see you read a good articles and find interesting info (re: GT 3 virus info, HCV relating to woman, good stuff). It is most interesting study isn't it.

It will be nice that you and Geraldine will soon have your EOT+12 week VL results, to buoy soon-to-start Juliet along. smile C.




HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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I'd send you some jungle ladies, but, I don't think you'd want it on your head, not a good look! :P

Maybe its menopause related? 


Oh the joys of life aye. We get to trade the monthly sometimes painful annoyance for hair loss, loss of libido, among other nice issues. So much to look forward too. YIKES!

Let us know how your results go, I'm racing with you to the finish line! :D




Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 


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thanks for all your posts, it's nice to see i'm not alone

@Canuk - i was geno type 3 i think - and yes, the next blood test is end of treatment date plus 12 weeks

i do have meds for the HIV but i've been taking those for many many years so they are not the cause of my ailments

@Juliet - i'm menopausal and had no libido, realy enjoyed 3 months of tingly nether regions but unfortunately that was all it was it has now subsided again

@Loopy Lisa - if you could send some of your jungle wild hair this way it would be apreciated hahahaha


will let you all know how the next blood test is


-- Edited by geraldine on Wednesday 5th of October 2016 02:32:27 AM


HIV/hepC 24+ years now

combi therapy since 1999 :-) undetectible viral load for 17 years now :-)



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Hi Geraldine,

Congrats on finishing your 12 weeks of sof/dac, and, on having your VL crash so stupendously by week 4!! What GT were you?

So, your next VL test is going to be at EOT + 6weeks? Maybe you mean it IS your EOT +12 VL that will be drawn 6 weeks from now?

I supposed your same HIV doc is helping (or co-managing you) in your HCV treatment too? - so, is the VL testing plan for you to include a EOT+12 VL, and a EOT+24 VL too? Just wondering.

About the hair loss thing - I can shed (pun intended) not much light on this perplexing phenomenon. But I too, disappointingly, have lost a bit of hair too. I took sof/vel/vox though, and my hair loss did start prior to treatment, but wish it would stop! We had one lady here, a wee while ago now, who complained bitterly at loosing body, facial and head hair, but was on Zepatier (I believe) and no idea why or how it turned out for her.  Interesting to be able to compare hair loss notes with your sof/dac mates Syd and LoopyLisa tho. 

My unofficially hunch is that hair loss, prior to, during or after treatment may simply have to do with how much physical stress our bodies have been through what with packing HCV, taking potent drugs, fighting the battle, and then healing up everything. We have been out of equilibrium, some of us, for quite some time! Hair and many bits of us are stretched "thin". Hopefully, given time and regaining health, we will also see improvements in the hair loss dept. too! I am hoping in my case I will not have to blame a man (my Dad) for genetically setting me up for male pattern baldness - horrors! Vanity, oh vanity!

I vote that LoopyLisa, who has more than ample hair, should send you and me, and Syd some please!

The libido thing?! Oh my, I'm just waaaay too tired for this! - I'm just not going there! haha wheeeee.  Well, if the jury was out about syd's libido, she has an iron clad alibi. wink C.



HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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@Juliet17 I am keenly interested in your progress. Please keep us posted?

Only Love is Real

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I had a surge in libido too on treatment, which caught me by surprise.  It died down a bit afterwards.



44 y.o. male, HCV G4 since 1996, F-scan score 9, F2, Failed prior I/R, finished sof/vel/vox 8 weeks 5/16, pre-treatment VL 2 million, EOT UND, EOT+4 UND, EOT+12 UND.


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Heh, I'll be starting D/S this week and I'm hoping it gives me a libido boost! I'd never heard of that happy side effect. Though at my post-menopausal age, I don't hold out a lot of hope. I'm a former wild woman who just about completely lost my mojo with menopause.


HCV genotype 3b, started my 12 weeks of Sovaldi/Daklinza on 10/15/16.
Probably infected 1 - 2 years ago, viral load 800,000, fibrosis stage 0.


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Welcome G,

I also finished this month the Dak/Solv combination. I haven't experienced any joint pains post treatment - I did have prior, nor any hair loss off any kind, in fact i wish I did so I could better tame some jungle prone areas! I guess you are on a mix of anti-viral meds, so it can be something to do with that?



Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 



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Hello G,

Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on finishing treatment, sounds like success to me!

Since Syd isn't having any luck with her libido yet, maybe she can loan you the cast iron undies if necessary! You're funny Syd and never fail to make me smile smile

The post treatment sfx can take a while to resolve and I wonder if it's not the result of your own immune system taking over the fight after the medication is finished. The process cause a response in areas we weren't expecting. I hope the problems will quiet down soon.

Good luck!



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Hi Geraldine,

yes I did 24 weeks of Sof/dak, the first 12 with Ribaviron too. Like you, once the side effects of RIBA died down, I had very few obvious sides. However the aches and pains really kicked in during treatment and have not shown any sign of abating. Also, like you, once I finished treatment - in May - my hair began to fall out. I think it is slowing down now but it is straight and fine and I have always had thick curly hair. Doctors say the pain is part of Hep C side effects but it's strange how it kicked in during treatment. Also I have developed an horrendously sweet tooth. No changes in libido though I'm pleased to say. My unwise decisions were made well before treatment and have caused me to don a pair of metaphorical cast iron undies - and at my age there's not too many virile men tearing their hair out to find the key!

Without treatment I would probably be on the liver transplant list now so that knowledge helps me to keep my side effects in perspective.

Good luck with it all, 



Contracted Hep C 1969. Genome Type 2, treatment naive. Began 12 week RIBA/sof/Dac on 12/11/15. Cirrhosis. VL before treatment 4m. Treatment extended another 12 weeks without Riba. No virus detected at 9 weeks.


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hi there, i've just finished the 12 week cure of daklinza/solvadi, will have another bloodtest done in 6 weeks time.

the treatment itself was a piece of cake no advers side effects other than that i was easily distracted, or would just totaly forget that i was talking to someone and would walk away, but no hair loss or pain or any of the other lovely possible side effects. My libido sored through the roof, which caused me to make some "bad" deciscions but i didn't mind that so much, in fact that was a definate plus

my virale load went from 1.4 million down to less than 15 in the first 4 weeks and was still that way after 12 weeks if it is still that way at the next text then i'm cured

going back to side effects, now that i'm no longer taking the pills i have noticed that i'm losing hair and having more pain in my joints again! anyone else out there that is finding they're getting the side effects after stopping with the cure??

i've been hiv/hep c now for over 24 years, glad to be hep c free, hoping they'll hurry up and find something for the hiv now!


HIV/hepC 24+ years now

combi therapy since 1999 :-) undetectible viral load for 17 years now :-)


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