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RE: New Member

Glad you found this lovely forum Lyn, and like Canuck, I'm so glad your Dr is being so positive and proactive for you.  

All of us fellow longtime HCVers certainly all understand how overwhelmingly sick and tired of being sick and tired this dreadful virus makes you feel. Depression, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, hormone imbalance........the list of what we suffer is quite horrible.furious

I had HCV for 32 years, 11 months and 12 days and I felt crappy every pretty much single day, now I don't.  

I can't wait for you to start treatment because the cure is a lot more than a glimmer, it's a reality...over 95% cure rate!!!!!

Please keep us in the loop and know we all care we all understand and we all want you to feel better.




61 y/o, Infected via transfusion Oct'83, GT-1a, F-4 cirrhotic,
tx Holkira pak/moderiba 12 weeks

4 years.... successful dragon slayer 


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Glad to see you post again Lyn, and glad our info made you feel a little bit better about things. Sorry you were feeling that badly. We do know what it is like, it is not a nice place to be, being faced with all the unknowns and fears and perhaps not having all the info you need on hand to even be able to comfort or re-assure yourself - so, you have landed in the right place! You will see, we will all try to help. And we can, what with sharing the most accurate info we can, and by showing you via what we have all experienced. I do think you will find, very much, hope. The info you will gather here will show you.

Help us get started by posting a sig line, with your lab data (if you know it and you can). Provide us some more details about your labs, your health, what specific tests you have had done (and when) to assess your fibrosis/cirrhosis. The more we get an idea of where you are at, the better we can provide info back.

... "Even a tiny glimmer of possible remission..."??!! Heavens! Many of the new daa treatment are near-approaching 100 cure rates!! (Psst - get ready girl, you about to get cured!!!)

It is great your doc is doing the extra testing for resistance, many have started treatment without it, she obviously is on YOUR side with this, she wishes to do her due diligence and ensure you get the right treatment you need to ensure your cure.

You are afraid of riba and of sides, but you should NOT be so afraid of not being cured of your hep c in right short order with the new daas! There are waaay less sides to these new daas as compared to the older interferon/riba days. Riba sides (and some people have NOT had too bad of sides from it) are NOT permanent, they are transient and you would get over them, and like I said before (don't get ahead of yourself), WAIT until you see what your doc finds out first, and what her recommendations may end up being based on your tests and all the choice of drugs that may be available for you. You may not even end up doing riba.

When you start hearing what we have gone through (with the new daa's) and compare it against what the folk went through in the old interferon days you will see how many of us have just about "breezed through" these new treatment to a quick cure with little sides. You'll see.

Fear, the unknown, sick of feeling sick, and feelings of hopelessness are the enemy! - I think we can soon help you in quite a few of those departments, by helping you in battling them with logic, familiarity, acknowledgement and hope (fer sure) - just by simply addressing the issues one by one.

Sit tight and write. smile C. (What is kitties name?)


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Posts: 895

Hiya Lynn,


I was a 3b, note was! I did 12 weeks of Sof/Dak and have the all clear. We use this treatment over here even with liver damage to save people taking Ribaviren unless they failed previous treatments. Please don't feel down. I had HCV like many probably 20+ years. I've also taken riba on my first failed attempt with interferon. I promise, treatment is a breeze after that. So many have regressed in liver damage after a few years, so its by no means the end of the road, just the beginning of a Hep C free journey. We only have a 5% mutation on 3a, and its really nothing. When they say we are difficult to treat, we're not, its just that the newer drugs work a little better on other genotypes due to the small differences, but only fractionally. Its still easy to treat us, its all relative. I never tested for RAVS or anything, I actually had to wait 2 years longer to get the new treatment. Long story long, I'm cured, healthy, and there is nothing to worry about apart from eating those veg and fruit, not forgetting to enjoy water to flush. Just think, you'll be sitting there in a few months writing to a fellow 3b saying how easy it was and now your cured. Time to get excited!!!! 


Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 


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Thanks for making me feel welcome:)

I just read the replies to my first post and feel tearfully grateful. Honestly, not a single person has given me one word of encouragement up until now. Emotionally as well as physically, I have been going downhill I was seriously believing that there was NO HOPE whatsoever. Last night, I considered taking my life. I will definitely take the treatment. Even if there is a tiny glimmer of possible remission, it's worth the side effects. I am so very sick right now that I have forgotten what it's like to feel well. How wonderful and miraculous it would be to have a day without pain and a future to look forward to.Thanks again for all your valuable info, links, and words of comfort.

Don't look back.


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RE: New Member

Hi Lynn,
I'm Chris and recently finished my 5th attempt at getting well. I've done the Ribavirin on 4 separate rounds.
Although all the treatments made me sick and want to quit, I stayed the course.
I recently finished Harvoni, which was the easiest treatment yet.

Although the treatments were hard, I feel so much better now.
I'm hoping Havorni is the "cure".

I don't feel like anything has happened to me during treatments that make me feel where my body or mind is damaged.
Although the treatments were hard on me, after getting my counts down to zero and hopefully them staying there this time, I feel great.

I hope the same thing for you too.. that you'll feel great after your treatment is done.

The best to you and don't give up.
For me, the symptoms of hep.. the anxiety, depression, nausea... were much worst than the pills and/or shots.

I'm rootin' for ya!!

Christine Gonzales

Senior Member

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Welcome Lyn!

You have friends here that will support you every step of the way. I am not a G3, I am a 2. I finished Epclusa just about 2 months ago. I am glad that you will get it as well! I didn't have riba,so not helpful on that front. You do need to get trearment, whatever they give you. The HVC will be much worse in the long run. We will be here for you!



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Welcome Lyn,

Don't be nervous of the treatment, we are lucky enough to be living in a time when we can get cured!

There 'can' be some tough side effects with ribiviron but as someone who also has chirrosis, the sides are nothing compared to the damage HCV does. I'm a year and a bit post treatment (that icluded  ribiviron) and the side effects are not permanent. It's amazing having a functioning liver again...



61 y/o, Infected via transfusion Oct'83, GT-1a, F-4 cirrhotic,
tx Holkira pak/moderiba 12 weeks

4 years.... successful dragon slayer 



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Hi Lyn,

Welcome to the forum from me, too! I'm glad you introduced yourself. We all help each other around here, so you're in a good place.

It sounds to me like you may have been given some dated info. There continues to be some use of Ribavirin, but there are other very good options without it. I took it for 7 months, with Interferon and Victrelis. I was one of the last on those awful drugs. But even knowing what I do and how awful it was, I'd do it again in a second. Oh, I'm unaware of any facts that show Ribavirin causes irreversible side effects. It does cause side effects, but they are controllable and transient. I had every single ugly one of them and other than making me look half my age and better looking, I'm experiencing no long term problems from it. You see, it's vital that you get treatment now. It's worth it, in ways you can't relate to yet. Your risk of HCC rises significantly once cirrhosis sets in. Stop the virus and start working on restoring some of that tough as hide, liver. You don't want to let things get worse. Insurance is approving treatment for people with cirrhosis, on demand. It's in the established guidelines. You'll get it, don't take no for an answer! 

There are some options without Ribavirin, Epclusa and Sovaldi/Dac come to mind. Both are excellent. I'm going to add a link to some current information on treating GT 3. It's a technical paper but full of good fact. If you have questions, just ask. We have tons of good information here. 

For now, relax. You are going to be fine, but you need to put the brakes on that virus, now. When you get your results back, please share them. We can't advise you, but we're pretty good at offering up knowledgeable opinion. The old cliche, One Day at a Time, applies. You'll get through it, promise!

Link: Genotype 3



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Greetings and welcome to the Forum!

 "...I do not have any supportive friends or family and have a lot of fear and anxiety about the severe side effects of the Ribavirin some of which are irreversible."

As far as supportive friends you should give us a chance right here. We know all about your anxieties regarding side effects. I can personally speak to Ribavirin so I get it. I understand. You mention irreversible side effects of Ribavirin but it must be weighed out fairly against the side effects of Hep C. One is not particularly pleasant but when weighed against the deadly nature of the other it is clearly preferable.

"..Since my genotype does not seem to respond to treatment anyway, I am wondering if I should take the risk of getting even sicker...."

Forgive me but that is not true. Your Genotype responds well to treatment. We have too many of your fellow 3's here CURED to let that go.

I for one don't believe for a moment that it is a matter of, "..taking a risk of getting even sicker.."It is not a "risk" it is far more likely a reality. You are an F4 with Hep C. You need to treat now.

"...I have joined this Forum in the hope of learning more about the treatment and networking with other HCV positive people who might be or have been in my situation."


We are here for you just as folks were here for me when I arrived. We will be those friends you did not know you had and yes you can do this. Ribavirin certainly will never catch on as a recreational drug, but many of us are cured and Ribavirin is in the same rear view mirror as Hep C.

"...Don't look back..."
You don't want to look back someday at this point in your life and regret not going for the cure.
You can do it!



Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."


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Hey, welcome here Lyn, 

I am glad you found us and this place. There are lots of folk here who have been just where you are and can offer help - you'll soon see.

I am glad to hear you and your doc are considering and prepping you for an epclusa treatment, that may just very well be your ticket!! Good she is doing her due diligence and doing further testing on you - you may not even have to worry about having to do riba (being that you are treatment naive).

Wait and see, first steps first, one step at a time, don't get too ahead of yourself. Wait for what your doc finds out and says.

You are treatment naive, so (in a way) that is in your favour, (other than you have had the virus for 30 years), as epclusa alone, without an addtional third drug such as vox or riba, has been seen to work quite well for many treatment naive 3's (and most other genotypes too, and despite some RAV's). The epclusa studies have also shown good results regardless of the presence of some cirrhosis. Epclusa has proven itself pan and potent. 3's are lucky indeed epclusa arrived. Do you happen to know what level of fibrosis or cirrhosis you are at, and what methods/tests they used to measure how cirrhotic you might be?

Epclusa in the U.S. will soon be rolled out with an additional third drug (vox, an NS3/4A) added, the plan is to soon make this triplet available but this vox triplet seems to be only destined as salvage for treatment-experienced relapsers. Currently, until vox rolls out, if a relapser is looking to add a 3rd drug to their epclusa, then they are still using riba (at least that is what is still "on the books").

It may well turn out that you do not need a third drug anyway, sit tight and wait and see what your doc says. Riba may not be required, so would be a mute non-issue.

I am really pleased that epclusa is the treatment regime you and your doc are discussing!! That is very good news, very promising for you. It has made such a dif for many, just like you (and just like me!).

Try not to be frightened or bummed, your post and news sounds extremely promising to me. Sounds like you got yourself a good doc, a good drug plan, and are in just the right place and time to receive good treatment to rid yourself of this virus!

Ask away for questions.  smile  C.   (Love that little furry faced avatar riveted on us!) 

-- Edited by Canuck on Friday 20th of January 2017 05:38:01 AM


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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I am a 66 year old woman wirh HCV for at least 30 years. I have cirrhosis and my genotype is 3b. My doctor has ordered the Baseline NS5A genotype 3 resistance blood test which I will have done next week. If I am resistant to treatment with Epclusa only, she will add Ribaviron. I do not have any supportive friends or family and have a lot of fear and anxiety about the severe side effects of the Ribavirin some of which are irreversible. Since my genotype does not seem to respond to treatment anyway, I am wondering if I should take the risk of getting even sicker. I have joined this Forum in the hope of learning more about the treatment and networking with other HCV positive people who might be or have been in my situation.

Don't look back.
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