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Post Info TOPIC: Got Hep C from my wife


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RE: Got Hep C from my wife
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Hi smmarek, we do not like it when people come here and use our forum as an advertising platform for their own publications.  Please go away. 

This thread is now closed.  Jill



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.




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Hi David, we took the decision to ban you because we didn`t find your story convincing and we need to protect our genuine members from people who like to spread misleading information.

If you have been infected with Hep it certainly won`t have been through the routes you described.  I suggest you go and get another test done and if it turns out that in fact you do have Hep C then I suggest you find out about getting it treated. 

And in the meantime, please stop bothering these good people.  Jill



(71 yo, lives in UK)

Was Gen 3a, 

24wks Peg Ifn/Riba, Sep 2010 - Mch 2011

UND @ Wk.4, UND @ EOT, 

SVR Nov 2011 --> Still UND @ EOT + 4 yrs.




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David ... the side effects my doctor explained scared the hell out of me ... but now I am 45 days away from completing triple drug therapy. I started taking the drugs on September 6, 2012.

When I looked for information regarding the side effects I did not find anything helpful from a first hand patient accounting so I decided to chronicle the first 12-weeks of therapy in an ebook entitled Curing Hepatits C. It is my daily journey throught the riggers and gind of hep-C therapy.

I decided to wrote an e-book to help those who have yet to travel this road better understand what might happen during therapy ... make no mistake, it is not an easy road, but writting for me helped maintain my mental state.  

If you are interested in learning a bit more about the book, which should be availalbe on or about January 15, 2013, please respond and I will forward the web-site when it is released.

Good luck with your journey!


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Time to move forward Davie. Put on your big boy pants now and pursue some sort of resolution. Blame is an empty bucket. You get nothing from it.  If you have it, you have it.  I hope you both fair well and get treatment if that is your desire. Good luck.


Geno 1a, Viral load at 2 4, 8, 12 and 16  weeks, UND, Triple therapy Incevek done,   Peg & Riba Done, UND and making plans for the future!!

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David, if the only confirmation of having Hep, is from an antibody test, you need further testing. I know a number of folks who test positive for antibodies, but don't have HepC.  The definitive test is done by RNA. When folks first think they have it, they jump to many conclusions about how they might have contracted it. 



Genotype 1a, IL 28 = CT  Interferon and riba 48 wks in 99, Daily Peg and Riba 18 months in 2007, Started Incivek, Peg, Riba 6/21/12. 4th stage cirrhosis. Last Dart will be May 23 2013.

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The people on this forum are nothing but nice and helpful. But something ain't smelling right with the started post. Thats all I am sayingnobleh


Geno type 1A Started Abbott clinical trial mid Jan 2013. :-)

Viral load when I started this trial 4.75million  Went 12wks on placebo and started real meds on 4/5/13 after 1wk  on real meds 25 after UND @3wks,6wks.w00t: Done trial 6/27/13 and still UND.



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Bouba, I sent you a PM from my previous account (David123) but since that account is banned I cannot see your replies. 

Please contact me at "etrade.2000@outlook.com".  I'm HCV positive and I live in Switzerland just like you.  I would like to ask you some questions about treatment options in CH and insurance matters if you don't mind.  Please contact me offline.  

Thank You



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I got banned from this forum for telling the truth. This is a surprise. The moderators have blocked my IP address so that I cannot even read the forum and banned my account (David123).  I created David1234 and used another way to access the forum.

I have hep C and I found the information here to be very helpful.  I want tell my story of how I got infected and for some reason, the moderators here do not like my story of how I got infected from my wife.  Can I ask what is so awful about my story?   Do you not like my story?  It's the truth.  

I HAVE HEP C!  I contracted it form my wife.  We're both HCV positive. I'm not here to attack anybody. I'm here for support and learn about treatment options and side effects of treatment.  Why did you ban me?

This message or the entire thread might get deleted.  It seems like some people do not like to hear that you can contract HCV from living with somebody with HCV.  It's a risk.  It's low risk. But it has happened to me.

David1234 (formerly David123)


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Hi David,

May be its better to wait for the retest. HCV could not be acquired from what you have described. Its a zero chance...

Dentist thing was possible 20-30 years ago, not now... But yet its a higher probability than from your wife, imho...




58 yo male, HCV since 1981. Gen 1B (IL28B, CT). Diagnosed 1999,  VL before tx 100'000. Biopsy A2, F3 fibrosis. Naive, SOT (with Incivek) Oct 26, 2012. UND @ week 4, 12, 18, 24, UND 12 and 24 weeks post-RX


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Right, I think we've all had enough of this nonsense, I am closing the thread.

smmarek, people find the most helpful accounts of treatment come from a patient who's undergoing/undergone therapy, so I can only conclude that you joined this forum to promote your book. Goodbye!

David, your latest IP suggests you come from California.


Geno 3a. 24 wks tx 20/10/05 - 06/04/06. Achieved SVR.


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Boy, I'm suprised at the angry reaction that I'm getting from this "support group". Here are the facts:

1) Wife tested Hep C positive in 2002

2) I tested Hep C negative every year since then. In 2012 I tested positive.

We never shared a toothbrush or razor.  We even used condoms when having sex to minimize contact. The only thing that we shared in 2012 was bath towel, toilet, and some skin creams. The toilet seat does sometimes have blood stains whenever she has her period. Another way that this infection could have happened is if she cut herself while cooking and didn't clean up thoroughly enough. Yes I have cut myself accidentally while handling food.  And so has she.

I have never been hospitalized in my life. The only time I go to a hospital or clinic is for Hep C testing. The only other way I could have gotten Hep C is from my dentist. What are the chances of that happening? How many of you blame your dentist for your Hep C?

Whether or not some of you believe me does not matter much to me.  The facts are that I tested negative for 10 years while living with someboy with Hep C. And last year I tested positive. You connect the dots.

My test was a Hep C anti-body test. I'm in the process of getting another full liver panel test to find out the viral load, genotype, ALT, AST, etc. That way we have full confirmation.  I'm optimistic about the new interferon-free treatments that are in the pipeline. 





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Iris Dragonfly wrote:

Did you guys share razors or thoothbrushes?

 I believe that these two activites(especially sharing razors) have the potential for increasing the risk of HCV transmission.  Since being diagnosed(and subsequent tx) my wife is no longer inclined to sneak in a leg shave with my razor. 



Treatment halted on Aug.8,2012 due to vision problem.  6 month post tx labs

Aug.2013 SVR

Be strong when you are weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.
- Unknown




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I've been married to the same man for 36 years, I have bled all over him during those years and he does not have Hep C. I contracted it 2 years before we married, and before I had my children naturally. They don't have it. My husband and I have shared razors and towels in the past, and he still doesn't have it, so I'm skeptic about your story. Sorry, I just wanted you to hear another opinion.


HCV Gen 1a, VL 13.2 million, diagnosed in August 2012, have had disease since the early 70s. Have had appointments postponed at UAB 4 times. Don't know when I will see Hepatologist, hope it is soon so I can get this show on the road.


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Did you guys share razors or thoothbrushes?


in the silence of the woods, you will not be alone- Chief Seattle

60 years on planet, Female, diagnosed 1978 as non-a non-b, VL 8mill+, Fibro f-1f-2, Genotype 1a, treatment naďve....UNTIL 7-01-18  !!!! started Harvoni 12 weeks. :)

4 weeks=UND, 8 weeks=UND, 12 weeks=UND (EOT= 09-23-2018)


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There's also millions of other people who have it, can't put blame on one person. Bath towel or toilet seat just don't cut it in my book. But who knows.


58 yo..Relapsed in 99 and again in 2004. Started triple therapy with Victrelis July 22,2012.  genotype 1a. week 8,12,16,24 VL Undetectable..E.O.T -- 6-22-2013,,,EOT + 24., UND. 

SVR !!!




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Very strange story?????????????????????????


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years


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Geno type 1A Started Abbott clinical trial mid Jan 2013. :-)

Viral load when I started this trial 4.75million  Went 12wks on placebo and started real meds on 4/5/13 after 1wk  on real meds 25 after UND @3wks,6wks.w00t: Done trial 6/27/13 and still UND.


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What type of Hep C test did you receive? Many times the initial test has false results. Towels and toliet seats seem to be part of the myths about hec_c


Genotype 1a, IL 28 = CT  Interferon and riba 48 wks in 99, Daily Peg and Riba 18 months in 2007, Started Incivek, Peg, Riba 6/21/12. 4th stage cirrhosis. Last Dart will be May 23 2013.


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Here is my story.  In 2002 my wife was rejected for life insurance due to Hep C. I immediately got tested and I tested negative. I got tested every year since. Sometime in 2012 my wife infected me because I tested positive in recently.

So what happened? I became complacent. If you live with somebody and you get tested negative year after year you would get complacent too. We moved to a new house in 2011 and as part of the move our routines changed. Somehow we started using the same bath towel (big one for drying after a shower, not the little facial one). Different bathroom, the towel rack was narrower and we just didn't think much of it. And when cleaning the toilet, sometimes I would not wear gloves. The toilet seat occasionally would contain blood stains from her period. I don't know how exactly I became infected. There has to be blood contact. The only thing I can think of is the bath towel and toilet seat.

We never found out the root cause of her infection. We're both professionals with no tattoos and never used drugs.

She never underwent treatment because the treatment is worse than the disease. Interferon is nasty stuff. I understand the new treatments under clinical trial is better, so I might wait for that.





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Yeah, and I got a sense of humor and two hickies from my wife.

I went to two worlds fairs and a couple world series baseball games, but I never saw anything like this. It makes me wonder how some people achieve old age in spite of their stupidity. Bath towels?? Seriously? Toilet seats? Really? You mock my efforts to recover from a serious viral disease and I am offended. Please go away. If bath towels and toilet seats could kill, the human race would have been extinct in 1980.


-- Edited by news on Friday 4th of January 2013 03:41:18 AM


Geno 1A  Started Pegasys/Ribavirin/Incivek Nov. 20, 2011 .  Completed July 28, 2012 (36 weeks). For a treatment history, see:  https://jshare.johnshopkins.edu/xythoswfs/webview/_xy-9921874_1

SVR on January 14, 2013!!


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1st of all towels and toilet seats are
Not a source. My children nor husband have Hep C
And we never used precautions for we were married
15 years when I discovered I had it since
Age 15!
Have u used the drug IVIG that is made
With placebo? It gave Hep C to people before
They knew to test placebo for Hep C.
Have you been in hospital lately?

-- Edited by JoAnneh on Friday 4th of January 2013 02:43:35 AM



Genotype 1a, Triple therapy w/Invicek started May 19, 2012

DET 4 wk. UND 2,6,12,24 48 treatment. Achieved SVR 2013!

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