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RE: New Member

AND good luck to you next month!  That is awesome! :)


Me: 62 yr. old female, GT 1b, fibroscan 4.5; VL 650,975 as of 2/4/14;started Harvoni 3/6/15; SVR

Hubby: 59 yrs.; GT1b; fibroscan 25-cirrhotic; S/O for 12 weeks started tx 3/20/14; SVR56; fibroscan done 7-7-15 = 8.5

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Thanks Mallani,  So glad you posted that information about yourself.  Because hearing that news yesterday really put us in the dumps.


Me: 62 yr. old female, GT 1b, fibroscan 4.5; VL 650,975 as of 2/4/14;started Harvoni 3/6/15; SVR

Hubby: 59 yrs.; GT1b; fibroscan 25-cirrhotic; S/O for 12 weeks started tx 3/20/14; SVR56; fibroscan done 7-7-15 = 8.5


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Hi pl,

We have a 'Fibroscan Scoring Chart' in Knowledge base. Your reading is F0-1, and hubbies is F4 (cirrhosis). In 2008, my score was 30.2 kPa, which is very high. I've had treatment and have cleared the virus, and will be getting a followup Fibroscan next month. Good luck. Cheers.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years


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pl1952 wrote:

Thanks for all the warm welcomes.  I have a bit of info -- however small it might be.  First visit to Hep Dr. for me and husband today.  Lots of bloodwork done; will post results when I get them.  They did a fibroscan.  My reading was 4.5 and was told that was very good...My husband's was 25 and was told it was stage 4.  He said he was sorry he didn't start treatment sooner.  In any event, we have ultrasounds scheduled for 4/22 and then same day we follow up with this team concerning treatment (after they see the results of the bloodwork).  What do you guys think of that stage 4 and that 25 fibroscan reading?  I know it isn't much information.  His ALT/AST scores are only slightly elevated...I'm worried!

 pl1952  Glad to see you on here, im sure some others can give you more info, but am pretty sure someone was posting their  level was 30 with f4 and doing fine. Bet you will both do fine. Best of luck to you 


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Thanks for all the warm welcomes.  I have a bit of info -- however small it might be.  First visit to Hep Dr. for me and husband today.  Lots of bloodwork done; will post results when I get them.  They did a fibroscan.  My reading was 4.5 and was told that was very good...My husband's was 25 and was told it was stage 4.  He said he was sorry he didn't start treatment sooner.  In any event, we have ultrasounds scheduled for 4/22 and then same day we follow up with this team concerning treatment (after they see the results of the bloodwork).  What do you guys think of that stage 4 and that 25 fibroscan reading?  I know it isn't much information.  His ALT/AST scores are only slightly elevated...I'm worried!


Me: 62 yr. old female, GT 1b, fibroscan 4.5; VL 650,975 as of 2/4/14;started Harvoni 3/6/15; SVR

Hubby: 59 yrs.; GT1b; fibroscan 25-cirrhotic; S/O for 12 weeks started tx 3/20/14; SVR56; fibroscan done 7-7-15 = 8.5


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Hi, it was nice to read about your journey. I too have told friends and no one has thought less of me either. It is a credit to you that you have shared this journey with people and not too feel the burden of botteling it up. I hope that you find all the information and support you need from this site. :)


Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 



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Hi Michelle,

Then indeed, with a fibroscan of 3, you have a very normal and fibrosis free (non cirrhotic) liver. That's a wonderful bit of news for you! A fibrosis free liver accepts treatment very well. However, with the advent of these new drugs, even those with cirrhosis have an excellent chance of achieving the same Hep C free future. 

You can find all the information you can probably read simply by using out search function at the top center of each page here. Just put in a simple search phrase, like "LFT results", etc., and you'll get the locations of the posts here on the forum. If you can't find what you want, just let us know and we'll do our best to explain it or direct you to the information. The explanations can be confusing, so let us know if you need additional help understanding some of it.

I highly recommend that you request and obtain a copy of all of your laboratory results. Having them can often help you understand your own health, but they can also save you big money in the future by having them instantly available to anyone that might need the information. For example, if I had done that years ago, I would've been eligible for a cost free drug trial, Sofosbuvir (new drug) but my old doctor and his lab destroyed my records after five years. The trial group wouldn't approve me simply because I didn't have those documents. So it's very important. 

Don't be afraid of what people think of you. If you want to share your diagnosis, that's up to you. What you tell them is up to you. A simple or lengthy description is up to you. We here have all discovered that those friends that choose to "delete" you because you've been honest with them, were never truly your friend, just an acquaintance. One you may be better off without. You need positive, supportive people in your life and I want you to know that we're all of that and then some. We're going to be here for you, come hell or high water! We know what's it like and we understand the importance of non judgemental friendship. We're a bunch of happy little campers with a common liver history, just trying to achieve the same goal. I'm glad you're here! So put that "Ostrich" back in the field it came from, it will give you both the freedom you've been looking for...


PS: I love the picture of your happy family!



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Thank you Tig, it was a fibro scan that I had done. Do I just ask my nurse what my test results are? All my medical care is provided via the hospital so I have no need to visit my own GP. I never look or ask about my results as they mean nothing to me. I know that my LFT's are normal but I do not even know what normal levels are. Diet seems to be the biggest issue for me at the moment is I am getting a lot of problems with eating gluten and dairy. Only recently I have discovered that it is down to the HepC along with other symptoms. It will take me a while to read up on the information on this forum but it is well laid out and labelled so hopefully I should find the relevant sections fairly easily. I really do need to pay more attention to my blood test readings etc as they seem to be very important. I do not even know what is important to pay attention to. I know that I should not drink but that is about the extent of my knowledge which shames me to admit!! I have recently posted my 'life' on FB so my friends now know what is happening and that I have HepC and no-one used that delete button! Everyone is so supportive but it does not mean they understand, this makes it so hard for me to accept their well meaning messages. Some days I wish I was still being that proverbial ostrich as life was much easier to handle then. But time to 'woman' up and face it head on and with this forum I hope to be able to do that.

Always looking forward xXx


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Hello Michelle,

Welcome to the forum! I'm glad you found your way here. We have hundreds of caring, knowledgable people here that understand your situation well. I'm sorry to hear about your cardiac problems, especially at your young age. I had to go through a lot of those same tests, because of some medications I'm taking. Some drugs can affect the way these treatment drugs impact you. So be sure your doctors know everything you're taking and get the tests recommended for safety's sake.

Do you happen to have the test results you referred to when mentioning the cirrhosis results? Did you have a Fibroscan or a biopsy that determined the result of "3" you mentioned? A fibroscan result will give a result that is like 0 to >50 kPa and the biopsy score is A-0 to 4 and F-0 to 4 (A = inflammation and F = Fibrosis) with 0 being perfect. Any test results like the liver function tests, ALT and AST will help us provide you with better informed opinions. So when you get those results, post them and we can take a look.

Please don't be too hard on yourself. Many of us have known for decades that we had this disease and either did nothing or waited for something bigger and better. The important thing is that you're doing something now by getting better educated and seeking the support you desire. The new treatment options are very promising, so now is a great time to treat. This is a non judgemental forum and the people here are your friends. We are here for you and know you'll be there for us. So keep in touch and let us know a little about yourself and ask any questions that come to mind. Good luck!

Best, Tig



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Greg D wrote:

Hello pl and welcome,

Pleasure to meet you both. Ask your Dr. lots of questions and write down the answers lol.

All the best!

My doctor is as much use as a chocolate teapot!!! My liver nurse has kept me going thus far and yes the sun shines out of her ;)  

Always looking forward xXx


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Think I have finally found what I was looking for! A forum! People I can talk to!

I am a newbie - I no nothing of viral load or what my LFT's are. All I know is I am genotype 1b and my sirossis test result was 4 which is normal. I have had an abnormal ECG so I am unable to commence my triple therapy which was supposed to have commenced on 8th January. I have a large family and I am doing this so we all have a future. I have my echo cardiogram to see what the damage is on 17th February. I have decided to go back to the head doctor (my spelling is off today so not going to attempt the hard words) as I am struggling with everything going on round about me. My health is stating to deteriorate and what is annoying me now is all the information I did not know that could have kept me weller for longer! Head in the sand for the last 11years on reflection was not such a good idea.

Always looking forward xXx


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Hi pl,

Welcome to the Forum. Let us know your Genotype, Viral Load and Liver Function Tests. We're here to help. Cheers.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years




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Hello pl1952,

Glad you're here with us and look forward to hearing about your appointment tomorrow! I'm glad that you and your husband are going to take the fight to the Dragon. It's a great time for all choosing to treat this disease. The options are very promising and have proven to be quite successful. Go into this battle with confidence and your head held high. You are about to discover what a Hep C free life is all about!! Best of luck...




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Hello pl and welcome,

Pleasure to meet you both. Ask your Dr. lots of questions and write down the answers lol.

All the best!


60 yo (2013), genotype 2b, started 28 week tx Sept.14, 2013. Triple Therapy (ribavirin, victrelis, peginterferon), VL 235k prior to tx, UND right through. EOT March 29, 2014. EOT24 Sept. 15, 2014 and EOT + ONE YEAR April 1, 2015 UND.... SVR!


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Hi everyone, I would just like to introduce myself.  I'm a new member and have had Hep C I guess about 30 years now.  I've been clean and sober since 1989.  Tomorrow is my first visit with a hep Dr. to get information on treatment, which I plan on doing.  My husband will be coming and joining me as well.  He's in the same boat as me. 

I'm so happy I found this forum and thank everyone for their comments, their knowledge and encouragement of each other. I'll provide updates when I know more.

Thank you!


Me: 62 yr. old female, GT 1b, fibroscan 4.5; VL 650,975 as of 2/4/14;started Harvoni 3/6/15; SVR

Hubby: 59 yrs.; GT1b; fibroscan 25-cirrhotic; S/O for 12 weeks started tx 3/20/14; SVR56; fibroscan done 7-7-15 = 8.5

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