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Post Info TOPIC: New to this forum with some questions


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RE: New to this forum with some questions

Welcome Scott, to a great forum.  Many wonderful folks here are willing to share their knowledge and experience.  To some extent we all are in the same boat afflicted with a common disease. It's good that we can help each other get thru the hardships that come with HCV and treatment.  

Folks here understand what you are going through.  With the new meds available you have a high probability of being cured.  Do whatever it takes to get started on treatment.  Your health and well being is too important.  There are many folks here who can empathize with your situation.  Keep in touch with your doc's, let them know you will do whatever it takes to get started on tx.  Every time I take my daily meds I think of the cost (prox $1500) and realize this might be my last chance of a cure.  Helps me to know how fortunate I am to be on this regimen, and that I would never do anything to screw it up. 

Hope all goes well for you.  


1b  Int/Riba relapse @ 48 weeks.  Stop tx Peg Int/Riba 12 weeks ill. Relapse S/O 6/23/14 :(   Started Harvoni 11/12/14  EOT 4/28/15.  EOT+4 UND :)  SVR! 8/4/15  :)     Thankful for every morning.


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Hi Scott,

To answer your question about enzyme levels. In chronic HepC the inflammation usually rumbles along, with the ALT in the 100-200 range. There are acute flares when the ALT can go up significantly ( usually <1000) then settle back down. Usually the levels in higher Fibrosis stages (F3-F4) are higher. Drinking will cause a spike in levels.

From what I've read, the VA are very keen to get an accurate Fibrosis stage, so that may mean another biopsy or Fibroscan before treatment. As you've said, they won't waste money on someone who is drinking, or likely to drink. It's not easy to give up the booze ( I've been there ) but with your easy Genotype you'd be crazy not to clear the virus before you get cirrhotic. Best of luck mate.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years




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Hi Scott,

You probably weren't born yet! I was there from 79 thru 82 and then the Subic Bay Naval Hospital @ Cubi Point NAS 82-84. I also spent several years at the Oakland Naval Hospital before they decommissioned it. My years in the Navy are very memorable. I'm a staunch supporter of our military and very active in supporting our wounded Vets. There is nothing I won't do to help! I'm originally from Spokane, WA and visited Seattle and Bremerton when I could. I really like that area. I remember the Vinson too, that ship is a behemoth! A true force for freedom around the world! Go Navy!!!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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wow, what years were there?  I was there in '99 and again in 2000-2002.  Then I went up to Bremerton and spent the rest of the USS Carl Vinson. 


40 y/o M, GT 2A, Dx 2000.  Attempted 2 Tx with interferon and rib. Fibroscan F3; Tx 3 - SOT 1/26/16 Rib/Sov.  EOT 4/18/16.  AST/ALT 16/11.  VL = UND.  EOT + 4 tests will be 4/16/16

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Hi Scott,

Welcome from me too. You already know you gotta stay sober and get this virus treated. One step at a time. The drinking/depression cycle is a wicked one. A person gets so down that there doesn't seem to be anywhere else to turn, except the bottle. Then the alcohol, being a major depressant in it's own right, bites you right back and just compounds the problem. Add in some HCV and you've got the perfect storm.

Hope you'll be able to get a more current reading on the state of your liver at some point. Biopsy, fibroscan, fibrosure.. whatever the VA allows. Also be interesting to see a more complete lab report w/ metabolic panel, platelets, viral load etc. It's easy to obsess over a few numbers with this disease. Those enzyme numbers could drop substantially, but it won't mean you're suddenly healthy. It's the total picture that counts.

Best of luck to you. Stay in touch!



66 y/o male - Geno 1b - F4 cirrhotic dx 2001 - 16 wk treatment w/ Sovaldi/Olysio/Riba - Und @ EOT+24 SVR




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I don't know how you got through all that math! Your liver might be sick but your brain isn't, lol! My wife and I were stationed at the Naval Hospital in Charleston too. Great place and nice people!

I'm also glad you found us Brother, the support I've received from the people here has been second to none. As a matter of fact, I believe without a doubt that the information and access to it is better here than anywhere I know. The depression from Interferon is well documented. I had it so bad I considered looking for the nearest bridge but knew what it was and got the appropriate care. That is something anyone on an Interferon treatment be aware of. That stuff does some very funky things to your brain. Let your doctors and nurses know how you're feeling at all times. Medication is available to counteract those side effects. I was on Wellbutrin throughout my last triple therapy and didn't have the first bit of depression. Everyone is different, so being aware of it is the first line of defense.

The VA is on the front lines of this treatment in the US, so you should be considered for treatment soon. The relationship you have with your PCP (Primary Care Physician) is paramount. They control the pace of the game, too much sometimes. But if you get a good one, you're in man! You can always request a new doctor if you want.

I'm really happy to hear that you're 25 days sober! I'm proud of you Scott, keep it up. Keep in touch and hold your head high my fellow Swabbie!

HM3 Tig



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Awesome, thanks for your service.  I was a nuke ET.  Man, I am so glad I found this site.  I have felt lost for years.  No one understands what we go through emotionally or physically.  I didn't expect so many responses this quick.  I attempted the old treatment twice.   The first one I did for 6 weeks, I was suicidal but thought I could fight through the depression.  I couldn't tell anyone because my security clearance would have been revoked.   They put me on medical hold in Charleston, SC. I was stationed at the Naval Hospital on TAD.  So, I became real familiar with Corpsman.  Made a lot of good friends.  Then for some weird reason, I got this infection in my right arm.  It was so bad, that they were talking about cutting it off.  I have a scar from my wrist to my bicep and spent 8 days in intensive care.  So, they took me off of it.


I attempted it again in 2007.  I had stopped drinking and got put on Prozac.  I only made it 3 weeks and couldn't get out of bed. They took me off it immediately.  The lingering effects of the depression is what got me drinking again. 


I am real hopeful of this new medication.  Right now the VA is saving it for more critical patients.  I am fine with that.  The people that need it now should get it now.  I have to be sober for 6 months anyway.  Going on 25 days now and feel great.  Thanks for your comment and keep in touch. 


40 y/o M, GT 2A, Dx 2000.  Attempted 2 Tx with interferon and rib. Fibroscan F3; Tx 3 - SOT 1/26/16 Rib/Sov.  EOT 4/18/16.  AST/ALT 16/11.  VL = UND.  EOT + 4 tests will be 4/16/16


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Hi Scott,

Drinking is known to accelerate Hep C at a fast rate, since it is 7 years since your biopsy it is well possible you have advanced in liver disease. A lot of people have functioning livers but have cirrohis, this may or not be the case for you? I'm not trying to worry you, but it is very important you abstain from drinking and give you liver a chance to recover, also to get as healthy as possible and keep up with blood etc and consider a fibroscan.

On the other hand, well done on making this step, I'm two years older than you, and I'd hope we have another 40+ years to look forward to, so look after that body, you need it.

I hope you enjoy the hike! L


Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 



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Hey Scott,

Welcome from me too! Fellow Vet here, 5 years US Navy Corpsman, thanks for your service Brother!

The ALT/AST levels do fluctuate, all over the place. Their initial elevation is what generally triggers the HCV testing procedure. Once liver injury occurs these two enzymes are released into the blood stream and are picked up on these tests. Occasionally those numbers will remain low, that's often seen in the first years following infection and the chronic phase begins. But slowly those numbers increase, bringing attention to those that pay attention to it. As liver disease and injury increase, so do those numbers. You can see a drop in them if you begin a healthy lifestyle, but with an active HCV infection, they will likely remain elevated. The good news is, once treatment begins they often plummet into the normal or near normal range. These meds are a blessing for all and we're going to see some very fantastic results.

I understand the VA system very well and you're right, they see a lot of people claiming to have gone the straight and narrow, that haven't. You can only tell the truth and live the truth. I'm very happy to hear you've decided to make these improvements to your life and health. It's only up from here Scott! Keep in touch and good luck!




67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

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Thanks for your response.  That is the plan.  I hope that they are back down by the 15th.  I feel real healthy.  It is just the enzymes are freaking me out and the doctor is a VA doctor so they deal with misconception all the time and I think that is why he is not believing me.  Hearing from you that the AST/ALT can go all over the place makes me feel better.   When your stage advances, do the AST/ALT tend to stay high like this or after several months of healthy living and not drinking, will they settle back down into the low hundreds?  Like I said the doctors don't share this information with me because I feel like he doesn't believe me.  I am only 38 and he is trying to scare the crap out of me.  What I tried to tell him, was I already was scared straight from my nasty 4 days of alcohol withdrawal.  I am sure he hears that all the time but for me, never again.  So this forum is very helpful with information that they are not giving me.  So, will they go back down?  Do you know?  Or will they stay high if I have advanced to a different stage.  I am assuming, that the doctor will have to take my word and run another biopsy if they do not drop back down. 


I am not aware of them doing a GGT test.  I will ask next time on April 15th when they run all the other tests again.  Thanks for your feedback. 

Now, I am going to go hike 4 miles in the mountains.  Can't do that when you sick right? 


40 y/o M, GT 2A, Dx 2000.  Attempted 2 Tx with interferon and rib. Fibroscan F3; Tx 3 - SOT 1/26/16 Rib/Sov.  EOT 4/18/16.  AST/ALT 16/11.  VL = UND.  EOT + 4 tests will be 4/16/16


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Hello Scott

Welcome to the forum you have found a good place where people care and give great real world insight. 

Mallani make all very valid and accurate points , give your body the rest it deserves, eat healthy foods and drink good water and sleep long. Your body has a great capacity to heal if you cooperate with it.

Sounds like you are already on your way.



"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"

61 year old Geno type A1, F4 Cirrhotic, started 24 weeks on Harvoni 12-17-14 ,EOT-5 week = UND, 8-31-15 =UND , SVR-24 Baby YES! 


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Hi Scott,

Welcome to the Forum. I presume your LFT's posted are the ALT/AST. They bounce around a lot but your numbers are high, so your liver stage has probably advanced. The GGT result is the most accurate for alcohol damage, so it would be useful to post that as well. Why don't you stop all the meds (particularly Naproxen) for a couple of weeks and have them repeated.

With Geno 2, you have the easiest one to treat. Only you can decide whether you want to be clear of the virus. Drinking will accelerate fibrosis, and you won't get Sovaldi/Riba if you continue. With 12 weeks of Sovaldi/Riba your chances of SVR are close to 100%. Over to you. Cheers.


Geno 1b, IL28B CT,  x3 prior relapser,  ex-cirrhotic, 75 yo, did 48 weeks with Victrelis/Peg./Riba.  VL 1.28m at start, UNDET. at 8 ,12 ,16 ,24 ,30  and 48 weeks.  EOT 15 Feb 2013 , UNDET. at EOT + 28 weeks. SVR!  Still Undet. at EOT +5 years


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Hello, I am new to this forum and there is a lot of good information on this. I was diagnosed with Hep C Geno 2 in 2000.  I have attempted the traditional treatment twice but could not finish because of the depression.  I was a heavy drinker throughout all those years.  Just recently I have decided to quit drinking because I was getting very sick.  My LFT's are doing weird things.  They were 184/134 back in January. Then in early March they were 884/382.  This was after one week of sobriety.  I got them tested again a week later and they had dropped to 442/184.  Just got them tested today and they were 779/384.  I am not sure why they are all over the place.  My GI doctor doesn't believe that I stopped drinking but I did.  I haven't had a drink since March 4th. 


I am prescribed oxycodone straights for some arthritis pain I have and Naproxen.  I take the Naproxen more than the other. 


I feel very healthy now. I am not getting sick every morning like I had been.  (I was vomiting every morning and sometimes throughout the day).  Anyone have any idea how long these LFT's will take to go back down.  I am not sure why they even went back up.  I know my past was bad and was bound to catch up with me.  I am only 38. Does anyone have any experience with alcoholism and enzymes and how long, if anytime, will my stabilize. 

I go back in on April 15th for testing again.  I am going to quit all meds I am on to see if this affects my enzymes.  I will just have issues sleeping and working but I want these in check. 

Last thing, I had a biopsy in 2007 and it was only stage 1.  Granted that was 7 years ago. 


40 y/o M, GT 2A, Dx 2000.  Attempted 2 Tx with interferon and rib. Fibroscan F3; Tx 3 - SOT 1/26/16 Rib/Sov.  EOT 4/18/16.  AST/ALT 16/11.  VL = UND.  EOT + 4 tests will be 4/16/16

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