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Post Info TOPIC: No EOT blood work???????


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RE: No EOT blood work???????

hey, what dude in little brown shorts? Did I miss something? Oh, that's what you guys get over there in the land of the brave and the home of the free. Here it's scuttle off to the hospital pharmacy and shut the f?$! up. No seriously, I am very grateful that I only had to pay for my first round of meds, that they were PBS approved in time for the second round. And that they were invented in the nick of time to save my life. 

On the other hand, I don't think you have to scratch too hard in the medical profession to find people who still hold deep prejudices against Hep C sufferers. I went to see an old friend of mine today who had a hip replaced on the public system on Monday. He told them he had finished a 12 week course of Harvoni the day before and has not been properly medicated for pain at all. Evidently they think he's going to turn into the Incredible Hulk if he gets so much as a sniff of pethedine or codeine. He asked them if they would take his EOT blood test and they told him he could get it done when he gets home. He has no car nor does anyone he lives with. He has to go home tomorrow although there is no one to care for him. It's either a system falling apart and/or one happily laced with prejudice. 

And yes, Tom, it's a long wait. I'm glad we didnt have to do it after 48 weeks of interferon with a 35% success rate though.



Contracted Hep C 1969. Genome Type 2, treatment naive. Began 12 week RIBA/sof/Dac on 12/11/15. Cirrhosis. VL before treatment 4m. Treatment extended another 12 weeks without Riba. No virus detected at 9 weeks.


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Hi Canuck,

I have every month a blood check to see how my general stats are OK - ALTs etc, but no viral count. I am OK not knowing as I think I will clear regardless. As I knew this in advance, it hasn't worried me at all.

At Tom, like Jimmy said, if it worries you so much get an independent test, or ask your general GP to do one. I think they understand patient worry, or I hope.

Fingers crossed your all free for what sounds an amazing holiday. :D



Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 


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Can totally relate Tom,

Only one HCV RNA for me so far, that came at week 4 and was <15 DETECTED ... they won't give me another till July when I'm EOT+12.

Between the Riba Rage and not getting to see UND yet I've pretty much been a bit PO'd this whole time.

Periodic Viral Load results, however, are a mixed blessing IMO, I've seen many on this forum second guessing this and that and worrying about 1 or 2 points difference etc ... it's almost better to just do the time and find out when we find out.

Hey, at least you have something very entertaining and fun to do while you wait.





63yy,HCV,2b,F3-A1, Sof/Riba,12wks Tx   SOT: 1/20/16, HCV-RNA 9,816,581, ALT 56, Hb 14.6

4wk: HCV-RNA <15 Detected, ALT 15, AST 17, Hb 13.6 EOT: 4/12/16, ALT 18 , Hb 12.9176a2f85d05d9c965eafe199f2ba9ba5.jpg SVR Achieved 7/8/16



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Hiya Tom.

No problem if my response was < that which rocks. It is just kind of the way it is.

A HCV RNA at EOT is kind of worthless really. Once you hit UND on Harvoni you stay that way through treatment. Your blood test at EOT would be UND. Even still and knowing that, it is the 12 weeks later that matters, and even if you pay for them to tell you UND on the 27th that fact is I can tell you that you will be, for free.

The guys that set the protocol are actually the Insurance Company. They are also the ones who paid out the $94,500 in pills alone on a 12 week course of Harvoni, not to mention the Doctors visits, and blood tests that really matter.

Sure it may provide a moral boost but still and all, the fact is other than that, the test would be worthless.

I am very grateful that my Insurance Company paid to treat my wife. I am very grateful they also approved me. That is like $283,500 in Harvoni alone not to count the additional costs. Sometimes it is easy to forget the cost when we are greeted at the door by the dude in the little brown shorts as he asks for a signature. In my case the cost does not even take into account the prior treatment.

I would just like for us to be grateful for what we have been blessed with. Yea it is a little frustrating waiting to learn the news that one is SVR-12. But we need to remember those who have never waited for news like that because they never had the opportunity of treatment, let alone one with a 97% success rate.

My Brother In Law simply waited to die. And he did, never having so much as a glimmer of hope.

Shoot I don't fault you for being anxious. Truth be told so am I where Carolyn is concerned. I want to hear the words UND in her case more than anything life has to offer, but I also know I want to hear it at 12 weeks post Treatment. That will be August 20th and as far away as that feels, I don't want to hear anything any sooner because I know it does not matter. August 20th and thereafter matters and God willing the news will be what we are praying to hear.

I hope you have a great time down South. Enjoy the surf and know your day is coming and well worth the wait. We have come a long way my friend and truly, each of us are blessed.

Your Brother




Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."



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Hey Tom,

It stinks to have to wait. I believe an EOT+4 is the perfect test, along with the EOT+12 of course. Nearly everyone is going to be undetected at EOT, and if someone is going to relapse on these new DAA's, which is rare, it generally happens by the EOT+4 date. If it remains undetected at that test, SVR is almost a given. There's about a .5-1% difference in rates of success between the two. But +12 is the real deal and what counts.

All that said, if you can't get a doctor to do a VL and you can't take the wait, you can do it on your own without a doctors order, but it's going to cost ya! Not sure what the going rate is now, they can tell you.

Private Testing



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

Signature Line Set Up/Abbreviations   Payment Assistance



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Yes it sucks when we don't get what we want. Even if the doc told you one thing at the beginning and now it is different. Have you been praying for patience (just kidding). I am going to say what I thought and I am not tryng to be a jerk, but if you can afford to go to Nicaragua you can afford the blood test if you want it that badly and cannot wait. Another voice of reason. I am Jimmy's lil sis ya know.


Wendy 53 y/o, DX 1994, geno 1A F1

1999 TX 1 - Inter -non responder 2001 TX 2 - Peg + Riba - viral load tripled and taken off

T3:  Harvoni 12 weeks Sept. 19, 2015 ALT 41 AST 30 VL 541800 UND at EOT and SVR 24 ALT 18 AST 26 platelets 223



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I am really sad they are doing this! I went 12 weeks on treatment without a C VL and although I knew it did not matter and really does not matter until EOT +12 .. Where is the compassion, the human element in this.

Why do you have to wait that long to know if the drug has worked ... having said that I used my LFT's as a good indicator because they were normal for the first time in over 40 years. This gave me hope that there was nothing causing my liver grief at least during treatment.

I am waiting for EOT+12 now but I would really approach any other doctor if you able to for routine blood work and LFT's that are typically included in that. Knowing those numbers and seeing them down will give you a good guideline.

As was said by Canuck and Pablo, and repeating myself, you can get them done yourself, and as I understand it easier than in Canada where Canuck and I reside. I would have gladly paid $150 or more for my C VL but I did wait.

Fingers crossed for you.


** Jimmy is the voice of reason and an angel in disguise.


-- Edited by Shadowfax on Tuesday 21st of June 2016 06:56:07 PM


65 yo, GT1A, , Cirrhosis, F-Scan F4 33.5, TX Naive Harvoni 12 wks

SOT 2/9/16 / ALT 187 AST 114 VL 2.3M.    POSTS

EOT 5/2/16  ALT 35/ AST/25  platlets 126 C/B VL UND

EOT +12 7/26/16  ALT 25 /AST 22/ ALP 83  platlets 129 C/B VL UND

EOT + 24 10/18/16 ALT 27/ AST 20/ ALP 71 platlets 153 C UND

 * SVR *



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You guys rock, except of course for Jimmy!!!!!!!! I don't want to hear reason, Jimmy! You sound like Dr. Alnoah's (who I love) staff. I was SO looking forward to good news. I wanted something real to celebrate. I will inquire about test costs...  Harvoni for 12 weeks, Cheddy  

Thanks, y'all. Even daggone JimmyK. 


60 yo; Cntrcted HCV mid 70s; Diagnosed 92; Gen1a; VL pre-Tx 10.3M; AST/ALT 44/36 F-scan F1/7.4; Approved for 12 wk Harvoni 03.28.16; Tx began 04.04.16 EOT 06.26.16. SVR 09.19.16 


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Tom and Loopy,

Aw, that is just NOT fair!!

I find this SO maddening to see them keeping people waiting for VL's with NO feedback. 

Why, oh why, do they do this to people! They know full well it is a relief to see your VL, ALT's and AST's crash.

I don't know, but your "protocol doc" should BE drawing regular ALT's, AST's, LFT's (and other bloods), and, at least knowing those blood results, would be comforting (to witness the crash of your Alt/Ast). 

Even with no VL's, surely, "protocol" entails drawing LFT's and other bloods, (I would think it unlikely that they would NOT be doing some ALT's and AST's!). Get those, at least that feedback will be of comfort as you see them crash.

If you are NOT getting ANY cooperation from your "protocol" people (with even getting ALT and AST feedback), then I would consider going to (ANY) other more understanding, cooperating doc (another GP or family doc perhaps), explain the "lack of feedback" problem, and ask them to assist you in obtaining at least some periodic ALT's, AST's.

That' all I can think of! hmm C.



HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Hi Tom,  I'm not sure what treatment you've been on but protocols are different for different meds.  Usually, with ribavirin, there are tests along the way to access sx or abnormalities, particularly anemia.  Yes, it would be nice to have more assurance, especially since you expected it, but do your best to think the best and keep taking good care of yourself.  Unless there is new information, try not to keep going over the same thoughts and worries -easier said than done, but shoot for it!


GT2a, VL 681,500, Less than F1, Treatment Naive

12 wks Sovaldi/Ribavirin, SOT 2/25/16, EOT 5/17/16

UND at 2,4,8 and 12 wks during treatment but ribavirin crazy.

ALT/AST normal EOT

SVR12 8/13/2016!!!!!!!!!  I WON!!

EOT 6 Months 11/12/2016  CURED


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Hi Tom

I hear your frustration, especially if you were told you'd have an EOT VL.  But, ultimately, Jimmy is right: the only one that counts is the EOT+12 weeks.

During treatment/pre-EOT+12 VLs are a double-edged sword.  I had a week 4 VL as part of the trail I did.  It came back at 269.  I spent much of the rest of the time on the trial worrying - needlessly as it turned out - that I wouldn't become UND. 

That said, if you are super-keen on a VL you could get one done privately at a lab.



44 y.o. male, HCV G4 since 1996, F-scan score 9, F2, Failed prior I/R, finished sof/vel/vox 8 weeks 5/16, pre-treatment VL 2 million, EOT UND, EOT+4 UND, EOT+12 UND.


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Hi Tom,

Pretty much standard procedure. Carol had her HCV RNA run at week 4 of treatment. Week 12 is a Short Panel. Next HCV RNA is during EOT+12.

An EOT HCV RNA is kind of worthless. During treatment it serves to establish treatment is working. This is why if detected at week 4 then they tend to do a week 6 just to ensure no 10 fold increase.

EOT is just that, end of treatment so the only one that means anything is 12 weeks later.

They seem to be following standard protocol so no worries.




Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."



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No, Lisa, I have waited 12 weeks blindly, drinking three to four liters of water per day and having exhausting dreams, but otherwise just hanging in there and doing my job.  EOT is Monday, June 27.  I will have to wait until September 19 for a blood assay.  I'm neither trusting nor patient, and I was told in advance that there would be an assay at EOT.  Fretting?  I'm very good at that.  Just watch for the next 12 weeks... I do look forward to getting final results.  Obviously the folks who developed this protocol haven't spent 12 or 24 weeks taking a miracle drug to eliminate Hep C.

I'll be on an annual surfing excursion in Nicaragua beginning 9/22, so I'll have to "trust" the medical staff will share my outcome via email. I'm glad my life doesn't depend upon that. "Enjoy your vacation, Herder."


60 yo; Cntrcted HCV mid 70s; Diagnosed 92; Gen1a; VL pre-Tx 10.3M; AST/ALT 44/36 F-scan F1/7.4; Approved for 12 wk Harvoni 03.28.16; Tx began 04.04.16 EOT 06.26.16. SVR 09.19.16 


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Oh bless you. 

I have to wait until my 12 weeks is finished for a VL count, I will be blind through all of my treatment. I don't actually mind though as I might fret if its not what I want it to be. :D

I guess, you just hae to trust you are gonna be fine and look forward to getting the final results. :)


Genotype: 3b

VL.�over 15, 000 000

Failed TX 2014: Interferon/Riba.

Cured using Sof/Dak combination.

I can eat cake again! <3 



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I called my doctors office to arrange a prescription for a post TX blood test next Tuesday.  No.
They won't prescribe another assay until 12 weeks out.  Protocol.  
I was initially told by his PA and by the pharmacist that I'd have three tests:
One for the insurance company before the last four week scrip.  One EOT.  And one EOT+12. Now they're saying there's no reason for inconclusive blood work at EOT, shut up, and wait.

I feel like they pulled the rug out from under me.


60 yo; Cntrcted HCV mid 70s; Diagnosed 92; Gen1a; VL pre-Tx 10.3M; AST/ALT 44/36 F-scan F1/7.4; Approved for 12 wk Harvoni 03.28.16; Tx began 04.04.16 EOT 06.26.16. SVR 09.19.16 

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