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Post Info TOPIC: Almost time


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RE: Almost time

Hi womyn,

Glad to meet you here. Glad you have been getting acquainted with Tig and JK. Good advisors. We will all try to help in any way we can.

Love your funny sense of humour, despite serious times here - you made me giggle here and there with a few of your well-placed words. 

The tribulations you are having in the "hurry-up and get going on the Harvoni thing, but at the same time, feeling not safe to do so until you wait and see how the new AD's make you feel" is completely understandable. So, looking forward to starting the drug which will cure your HCV and at the same time feeling trepidations about possible sides from harvoni, and/or sides from the new AD - is making you wait a bit. We want to feel as ready and as sure as we possibly can at our starts of anything. I am sure all will be OK with your Harvoni journey. I too would be wanting to ascertain HOW I was feeling on the new AD's, so, it is a personal choice thing - I am betting it will not be too long before you feel confident enough to "jump right in the deep end" - you are right - "it is almost time".

Each bottle contains 28 pills (4 weeks exactly) - everybody (naturally) wants to talk in terms of "months", but as you have twigged a "3 month" course is NOT really 3 months, course length is best described in weeks or days, ie 3 bottles X 28 pills in each bottle = 84 pills total, OR, 12 weeks. Likely (I am guessing) you probably will get 12 weeks. (This 120 days/pills figure does not really compute - it probably IS just a miscommunication, but like you said, you will confirm this). In the off-chance that you were prescribed a longer course (which I am kinda doubting) a so-callled "6 month course" would in actuality be 6 bottles X 28 pills in each bottle = 168 pills total, OR 24 weeks.

Good your doc saw to your hepA/B immunity testing. Good you are marking on your calander (this time) when you have to return to finish your series of the hepB immunizations. Be sure to finish them (this time) on time. Even one (past) immunization with hepB might have afforded you "some" immunity, and/or maybe at least some valuable "memory" of immunity, and with this newest one started, same benfits. You can get started on your HCV treatment as long as your B immunization has at least been started. Do you happen to know what "number" your B immunity level was at? I had to do the same thing - my immunity for B was too low, and my A did not exist, so went for the full series of both, "started just before HCV treatment" and of course, could not all be completed during HCV treatment. The important bit is to have even "some immunity"and/or "some immunity memory", but the ideal isto already own measureable immunity levels to A/B, with your B immunity titre being over 10.

I had my A/B immunity titre levels re-checked while I was on HCV treatment (abundance of caution to ensure my B had increased to be over 10), and as well my A/B immunity levels were checked after my HCV treatment (and the A/B immunization series had been completed). As well, I think they are planning to re-check my A/B immunity levels at about the one year mark after HCV treatment. 

You can also ask for your immunity levels to B to be re-checked, during treatment, and after, to see if you responded to be over 10.

I agree with Tig, ask for copies of your past and current lab testing, we can try to decipher them here. Ask what "Fscore" they have put you at - F0,1,2,3,4 etc. (your level of fibrosis/or cirrhosis) - your biopsy can be revealing in terms of scoring, certain blood tests as well can provide you another method of deriving you an Fscore, as well as having a painless fibroscan that can give you an Fscore. "Interpretive written reposts" (attached to your biopsies, ultrasounds, and fibroscans) can provide you valuable info about the conditions of your liver (especially when they are or have been repeated over time), when you combine these test with specific fibrosis blood tests, together they all play a part in forming the best overall picture of your liver status. Always good to know.

You will be cured, and it is nice to be able to see improvements by following your before and after tests. 

You need a "signature line", see Tig's red link, in his sig. line - the "how to" .... something like ... "F, 62 years old, contracted HCV 40 years ago at age 22?, biopsy about 5 years ago, GT 1a, awaiting pre-treatment LFT's and VL results, no fibroscan/Fscore not known, U/S done on  date? ,  approved and ready to start 12 weeks of Harvoni treatment on date? " ...  

Nice to meet you here, will get back to you pretty soon, I am out of town doing a hospital test, maybe back late tomorrow night? 

Later, smile C.


HCV/HBV 1973. HBV resolved. HCV undiagnosed to 2015. 64 y.o. F. Canada.

GT3a, Fibroscan F3/12 kPa - F4/12.6 kPa, VL log 7.01 (10,182,417), steatosis, high iron load.

SOF/VEL with/without GS-9857 trial - NCT02639338.

SOT March 10 - EOT May 5, 2016 - SOF/VEL/VOX 8 week trial.




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Posts: 1839

Hello again.

The breakdown of the treatment duration:

Treatment experience


Severe liver damage (cirrhosis)

Treatment length

Never been treated (treatment naïve)


8* to 12 weeks

Never been treated (treatment naïve)


12 weeks

Treatment experienced (with a peg-interferon combination)


12 weeks

Treatment experienced (with a peg-interferon combination)


24 weeks


Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."


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Hi Jimmy...thanks for the welcome!  Pretty sure my treatment is 3 months.  For some reason I think someone mentioned 120 days but that's 16 weeks and you never gave me an option in your question...so...


i will defiantly be keeping plenty of water in me! I'm so Syked about starting!! Can't wait!!


thanks for your help


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I had a needle biopsy, oh, maybe 5 years ok and there wasn't any scarring or inflammation to speak of.  doctor told me to come back in 5 years.  I just had a liver ultrasound and it appears fine too.  When I went to see my doctor he said he thought I was  part of the 20% that is not affected by it. Thank goodness because I was a bar fly for a while. years. Don't touch the stuff now. My treatment is suppose to be 120 dazes...I'm G1a. Wait...I thought it was 3 months but 120 days is 4 months....hmmm I better check on that...maybe my Harvoni bottle or paperwork might tell me...


As far as my Hep a and B shots, I'm good to go with the hep a but I needed help B ...now I now I've had the hep b shots when I first found out I was positive about 6 years ago...but changes are, I didn't make it back for all the follow up shots, yep that's me Ms. irresponsible...so I had the first shot in the series for hep b and my family NP says the office will notify me when my next shot is due ( I also put it on my calendar)...they told me it was ok to get the shots while I am on treatment...I can't wait to start...I THINK the antidepressants take 4 to 6 weeks to take full affect and I've been on this one (Fetzima) For about 2 weeks so maybe at least one more week....that should give me enough time to experience any side effects if theres going to be any....again thanks for being here...  


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Greetings and welcome to the family here.

The fact you have a bottle of Harvoni already tells us a few things. What is the length of treatment? ( 8 weeks, 12 weeks or 24 weeks.)

The hydration mentioned is the key to controlling any side effects. My wife and I both did Harvoni and both are now cured.

Again we welcome you and look forward to helping you through this! wink



Harvoni TX 2 12 weeks. UND weeks 4, 12 and now EOT + 4 Weeks. SVR-12 09/29/16. All Glory, Honor and Thanks be to God.

"I go to war with the brothers I trust."



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There is usually somebody close around here! I'm glad to be here for you and know there will be lots of others around to welcome you, too!

Aside from requesting copies of all your blood tests, you should also receive your Hep A and B immunizations. They usually test you for any immunity to them as part of your initial Hep C workup. It's good to get those vaccinations to ward off any risk in the years ahead of contracting another liver virus. It's really no big deal. You may also ask about the schedule you will follow for testing during and after treatment.

Have you had your liver fibrosis level determined? They usually do beforehand, so ask about that and keep copies. Some of us with long term infections, have higher than normal levels of fibrosis, some progress to cirrhosis. That doesn't reduce our journey to the cure but does require additional attention and monitoring going forward. 

I'm watching my 6 mo old grandson right now and I'm smelling something foul! I'll check back in soon! You're among friends smile



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

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Wow Tig56 , thanks for such a quick reply! I wasn't expecting that.  I am getting ready to call the doctors office and ask for the results of my blood tests so I can see my viral load and anything else that may be important.  Again, thanks for the reply. It's so comforting to know there's someone out there that knows what's going on. Thank you for supporting taking anti-depressants too because I've been on the fence about it and my Psychologist doesn't understand why I'm a little against taking them.  She has tasked me with making a pros and cons list and your comment will go to help support the "pros" side.  I know I don't know you from Adam but i can see that you are a great caring person, it makes me feel like I do know you...thanks again...oh yea...is there anything I should ask the doctor for other than a copy of my blood test? 


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Hello and welcome to the forum, Theresa! I'm glad you found us, too.

I have been on and off an antidepressant for years and found life much easier to navigate without the gloom and doom I experienced without them. I had to start one during my first attempt at treatment in 96. The old Hep C drugs were well known for causing depression, the new medications aren't. Don't be concerned that they will. The incidence is quite low. I think you were wise not to start treatment and the new AD at the same time. It always took me a couple of weeks to adjust to any new medication, especially the Hep C medications.

I really don't anticipate that you will experience any side effects from Harvoni, so do your best to put that out of your mind. The issues most have spoken of are increased fatigue and headaches. I'm here to tell you that can be minimized or eliminated by being absolutely certain to drink at least one gallon of water everyday! These drugs require it. So start early and keep yourself completely hydrated. I like to say, if you're experiencing anything like that, you're probably not drinking enough water. Many don't even notice increased bathroom trips as a result, because your body is utilizing it. 

We have all kinds of information available here. If you need any help finding information or just want to talk, let us know. We've all been where you are right now and the preparation before treatment is always more unnerving than treatment itself. You'll do well, I guarantee it!



67yo GT1A - 5 Mil - A2/F3 - (1996) Intron A - Non Responder, (2013) Peg/Riba/Vic SOT:05/23/13 EOT:12/04/13 SVR 9+ years!

Hep C FAQ   Lab Ref. Ranges  HCV Resistance

Signature Line Set Up/Abbreviations   Payment Assistance



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Hi..I found out I was HCV positive in 2011. I've had HCV for just about exactly 40 years now. I am 62 now and believe I contracted the HCV when I was 22.  I am taking anti-depressants again (really don't want to) after taking years to taper myself off of them.  That is what is holding me up from opening up the bottle of Harvoni I have sitting here. I'm waiting for a couple more weeks till the Fetzima settles in my body and  I know that I'm not going to have any side affects. I didn't want to start both and not know which one was causing any problems that may arise. So I am anxious to get started To see how it is going to affect me.  I live alone so hope that I don't get too sick. I'm extremely fortunate that I am able to work from home and can lay in bed with my laptop and work if I have to. I am so appreciative that you all are here.  What  a great support system this forum be. Thanks to everyone for being here.


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